Vojna zvezd Foto: EPA
Vojna zvezd Foto: EPA

In 1847 the eminent American scientist, inventor and engineer of Scottish origin, Alexander Graham Bell is born. In 1876 he patented the first telephone.

In 1923 the first issue of the American Time magazine is published.

In 1962 American athlete Jackie Joyner-Kersee is born. She is ranked among the all-time greatest athletes in the women's heptathlon as well as in the women's long jump.

In 2012 Ralph Angus McQuarrie dies. He was American conceptual designer and illustrator. His career included work on the original Star Wars trilogy, the original Battlestar Galactica TV series, E. T. the Extra-Terrestrial and Cocoon.


1979 - The Bee Gees are at the top of the British charts with their song 'Tragedy'.

1984 - Nena is at the top of the British singles chart with the song '99 Luftballons'.

1990 - Janet Jackson is No. 1 on the American charts with the song 'Escapade'.

1990 - Lindy Layton and Beats International are at the top of the British singles chart with the song 'Dub Be Good To Me'.


1947 - Jennifer Warnes, duet with Joe Cocker (1982 'Up Where We Belong').

1966 - Tone Loc, (Antony Smith), US rapper (1989 'Funky Cold Medina').

1977 - Irish singer Ronan Keating, he debuted as the lead singer of Boyzone ('When You Say Nothing at All').


Leta 1831 se je rodil ameriški izumitelj George Mortimer Pullmann, ki je izdelal prvi železniški spalnik.

Leta 1847 se je rodil ameriški fizik škotskega porekla, Alexander Graham Bell, ki je leta 1876 patentiral prvi telefon.

Leta 1923 so izdali prvo številko ameriškega časopisa Time.

Leta 1962 se je rodila Jackie Joyner-Kersee, ena najuspešnejših atletinj vseh časov v skoku v daljavo.

Leta 2009 so v rovu sv. Barbare v rudniku Huda Jama pri Laškem odkrili množično grobišče.

Leta 2012 je umrl Ralph McQuarrie, oblikovalec, ki je Georgea Lucasa s svojimi risbami navdušil za vesoljsko trilogijo Vojna zvezd.


1979 - The Bee Gees so na vrhu britanske lestvice s skladbo 'Tragedy'.

1984 - Nena je na vrhu britanske lestvices pemijo '99 Red Balloons'. Originalna v nemškem jeziku nosi naslov '99 Luftballons'.

1990 - Janet Jackson je na ameriški lestvici na 1. mestu s skladbo 'Escapade'.

1990 - Lindy Layton in Beats International so na vrhu britanske lestvice s skladbo 'Dub Be Good To Me'.


1942 - Mike Pender, vokalist zasedbe The Searchers (1964 'Needles And Pins').

1947 - Jennifer Warnes, znana po duetu z Joem Cockerjem (1982 'Up Where We Belong').

1966 - ameriški reper Antony Smith, znan kot Tone Loc (1989 'Funky Cold Medina').

1977 - irski pevec Ronan Keating, kariero je začel v skupini Boyzone ('When You Say Nothing at All').