Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1861, the Canadian James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, is born. In 1891, on the basis of the game, which he played in his youth, that was called Duck-on-a-Rock, he prepared 13 new game rules. Two baskets for peaches were affixed to each side of the court; two teams each had 9 players.

In 1893, the Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky dies. Among his most famous works are Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker.

In 1946, the American actress Sally Field is born.

In 1956, Dwight Eisenhower is elected as the American president. Ike was from 1942 the supreme commander of U. S. troops in Europe; he led the landings in Africa and Sicily.

In 1970, the American actor Ethan Hawke is born.

In 1984, Ronald Reagan for the second time becomes the president of the United States of America.


1968 - Joe Cocker with an arrangement of the song by The Beatles 'With A Little Help From My Friends' takes the No. 1 spot on the British singles chart.

1976 - The Steve Miller Band is at the top of the American singles chart with 'Rock 'n' Me'.

1982 - Jennifer Warnes and Joe Cocker are No. 1 on the American singles chart with the song 'Up Where We Belong', the title song from the film 'An Officer And A Gentleman'.

1993 - Meat Loaf takes the No. 1 spot on the American singles chart with 'I'd' Do Anything For Love'.


1947 - John Wilson, singer in the group Them (1965 'Here Comes The Night').

1948 - singer Glenn Frey (1985 'The Heat Is On'). He also sang in the group The Eagles.



Leta 1814 se je rodil , belgijski izdelovalec glasbil, ki je izumil saksofon. Izdelal ga je leta 1840 in je še danes nepogrešljiv instrument v jazzu.

Leta 1861 se je rodil Kanadčan James Naismith, ki velja za izumitelja košarke. Leta 1891 je na podlagi igre, ki jo je igral v mladosti, z imenom Duck-on-a-Rock (Raca na skali), pripravil 13 pravil nove igre. Dve košari za breskve je kot koša pritdil na vsako stran igrišča, ekipi sta šteli po 9 igralcev.

Leta 1893 je umrl Peter Iljic Čajkovski, klasik ruske glasbe. Med njegovimi deli so najbolj znana Evgenij Onjegin, Pikova dama, Labodje jezero, Trnuljčica in Hrestač.

Leta 1946 se je rodila ameriška igralka Sally Field.

Leta 1956 je bil Dwight Eisenhower izvoljen za ameriškega predsednika. Ike je bil od leta 1942 vrhovni poveljnik ameriški čet v Evropi, vodil je izkrcanja v Afriki in Siciliji.

Leta 1970 se je rodil ameriški igralec Ethan Hawke.

Leta 1984 je Ronald Reagan drugič postal predsednik Združenih držav Amerike.


1968 - Joe Cocker je s priredbo pesmi skupine The Beatles 'With A Little Help From My Friends' zasedel 1. mesto britanske lestvice singlov.

1976 - The Steve Miller Band je na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Rock 'n' Me'.

1982 - Jennifer Warnes in Joe Cocker sta na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov s pesmijo 'Up Where We Belong', naslovno iz filma 'An Officer And A Gentleman'.

1993 - Meat Loaf je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'I'd' Do Anything For Love'.


1947 - John Wilson iz skupine Them (1965 'Here Comes The Night').

1948 - pevec Glenn Frey (1985 'The Heat Is On'). Prav tako je pel pri The Eagles.