
Ena od bolj pričakovanih aktualnih izdaj je zagotovo skladba ameriške pop zvezde Katy Perry. Po lanski izdaji albuma Witness, ki velja za kritiško podcenjenega je priljubljena 34 letna pevka razmišljala o krajšem glasbenem premoru; a je z izdajo božičnega singla Cozy Little Christmas novico demantirala. Najnovejša izdaja z naslovom Immortal Flame je klasična balada, ki jo boste lahko slišali v spletni igri Final Fantasy Brave Exvius v kateri bo kot lik pojavila tudi Katy Perry.

Day 52: SAVOR AND FOCUS. Somehow I am still going uphill ‍️. I spent the first 6 hours of the day climbing up again to 8300ft (only 1000ft net lower than the Pole). I feel like I am stuck in an M.C. Echer drawing where every direction leads up, a never ending staircase. In this photo I finally crested the big hill looking out on the mountains that lead to my finish line at sea level. Perhaps now I really am going down for good. In these final days I’m reminding myself of two things: First - savor these moments. I’m very eager to finish, but before I know it, I’ll be reflecting on this adventure with nostalgia. So while I’m still out here, I’m trying to enjoy it as much as possible. The second thing is - I need to stay hyper focused on execution. It’s not over until it’s over. Henry Worsely, who was a huge inspiration of mine, tragically lost his life less than 100 miles from completing this traverse. When I was crossing Greenland earlier this year on my very last night, I decided to relax my usual evening routine and didn’t check my campsite well enough and fell waist deep into a crevasse that was 200ft deep. If I’d fallen all the way to the bottom, it could have been game over. It’s often at the end when we are tired that mistakes happen. So for that reason I’m ensuring that I stay hyper focused on all of the details. Merry Christmas Eve everyone. Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a stable high pressure weather system to bring and no wind. Sincerely, Colin #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible