Prime Minister Janez Janša late last night announced that the anti-coronavirus measures will be extended for a week.

The 9pm-6am curfew, a ban on movement between municipalities and a cap on gatherings of more than six people will remain in force.

Government spokesman Jelko Kacin today added that kindergartens will continue providing daycare only for those children whose parents urgently need to be at work. The autumn holidays will be extended for a week for elementary schools and high school and university classes will be held remotely.

Education Minister Simona Kustec added that the parents of children aged up to 12 can now can stay home with them as part of the 5th coronavirus stimulus package and get paid to do so.

Kacin again emphasized that those who can stay home these days should do so and called on all to avoid socializing and if possible postpone Sunday’s visit to the cemeteries to the later time.

Foto: BoBo
Foto: BoBo