Foto: BoBo
Foto: BoBo

In 1851, in the Crystal Palace in London the Great Exhibition opens. Examples of the latest technology developed in the Industrial Revolution were seen by over 6 million visitors.

In 1873 the Scottish missionary and African explorer David Livingston dies.

In 1886, at the first congress of the Second International a resolution is passed that from 1890 1. May is celebrated as international Labour Day.

In 1931 in Manhattan, New York the then highest building in the world, the Empire State Building with its 102 floors, is opened.

In 1994 the Brazilian racing driver Ayrton Senna was killed in an accident. Senna won three Formula One world championships.

In 1997, after 18 years of Conservative government, British voters choose as the new Prime Minister the Labour Party's candidate Tony Blair.


1976 - Led Zeppelin is leading the American albums chart with their album 'Presence'.

1979 - Elton John becomes the first pop singer to perform in Israel. He became the first musician from the West, who had a tour in Russia.

2005 - Bruce Springsteen went to No. 1 on the UK album chart with 'Devils & Dust'.

2005 - Matchbox 20 singer Rob Thomas went to No. 1 on the US album chart with his first solo album 'Something To Be. '


1954 - Ray Parker Jr. , American guitarist and song writer (1984 'Ghostbusters').

1962 - British singer Owen Paul (1986 'My Favourite Waste Of Time').


Leta 1493 se je rodil švicarski zdravnik, kemik in mislec Paracelsus. Spoznal je kemične in fizikalne temelje živega sveta, kar je skušal uporabiti v zdravilstvu.

Leta 1873 je umrl škotski misijonar in raziskovalec Afrike David Livingston. Po njem pa se imenujejo slapovi ob reki Kongo in gorovje ob jezeru Malavi.

Leta 1851 so v Kristalni palači v Londonu odprli prvo svetovno razstavo, na njej so predstavili dosežke znanosti v času industrijske revolucije. Obiskalo jo je 6 milijonov obiskovalcev.

Leta 1886 so na prvem kongresu Druge internacionale sprejeli sklep, da se od leta 1890 dalje 1. maj praznuje kot mednarodni praznik dela.

Leta 1931 so v New Yorku odprli do tedaj najvišjo stavbo na svetu, Empire state building, ki ima 102 nadstropji.

Leta 1994 se je v Imoli smrtno ponesrečil dirkač formule 1 Ayrton Senna. Brazilec je bil trikrat svetovni prvak.

Leta 1997 so britanski volilci po 18 letih vladanja konzervativcev za novega predsednika vlade izbrali kandidata laburistične stranke Tony Blaira.


1976 - Led Zeppelin so vodilni na ameriški lestvici albumov z 'Presence'. 1

979 - Elton John je postal prvi pop pevec, ki je nastopil v Izraelu. Postal je tudi prvi glasbenik z ‘zahoda’, ki je imel svojo turnejo v Rusiji.

2005 - Bruce Springsteen je na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Devils & Dust'.

2005 - pevec zasedbe Matchbox 20, Rob Thomas, je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s svojim prvim solo albumom 'Something To Be. '


1954 - Ray Parker Jr. ,ameriški kitarist, pisec besedil (1984 'Ghostbusters').

1962 - britanski pevec Owen Paul (1986 'My Favourite Waste Of Time').