Foto: Reuters
Foto: Reuters

In 1882 the British naturalist Charles Robert Darwin dies. In 1859 he published his book Origin of Species, where he presented his findings on evolution.

In 1906 in Paris French physicist Pierre Curie dies. Together with his wife he discovered the radioactive elements of radium and polonium.

In 1911 the Impressionist painter Ivan Grohar dies. His painting 'The Sower' is one of the most famous paintings in Slovenian history.

In 1935 the British actor Dudley Moore is born.

In 1987 the Simpsons premiered as a series.


1980 - Blondie shakes the top of the American and British music charts with her song 'Call Me'.

1980 - 32 year old English singer Brian Johnson joined Australian group AC/DC, replacing Bon Scott who had died in February 1980.

1986 - George Michael is at No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'A Different Corner'.

1986 - Prince is No. 1 on the American singles chart with the song 'Kiss'.

1998 - Robbie Williams in at No. 1 on the UK album chart with his debut solo album 'Life Thru A Lens', including 'Angels' and 'Old before I die'.


1943 - Eve Graham, Scottish singer in the group The New Seekers ('I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing').



Leta 1824 je umrl britanski romantični pesnik George Noel Gordon Byron, znan kot Lord Byron.

Leta 1882 je umrl britanski naravoslovec Charles Robert Darwin. Napisal je knjigo Nastanek vrst, kjer je predstavil svoja spoznanja o evoluciji.

Leta 1906 je v Parizu umrl francoski fizik Pierre Curie. Z ženo Marie Curie je odkril radioaktivna elementa radij in polonij.

Leta 1911 je umrl impresionistični slikar Ivan Grohar. Njegov Sejalec je ena od najbolj prepoznavnih slik v slovenski umetnosti.

Leta 1935 se je rodil britanski igralec Dudley Moore.

Leta 1956 se je monaški knez Rainier poročil z igralko Grace Kelly.
Leta 1987 so junaki risanke Simpsonovi doživeli premiero.


1980 - skupina Blondie je s pesmijo 'Call Me' na vrhu ameriške in britanske lestvice.

1980 - 32 letni pevec Brian Johnson se pridruži skupini AC/DC, zamenja preminulega Bona Scotta.

1986 - George Michael je na vrhu britanske lestvice s skladbo 'A Different Corner'.

1986 - Prince je na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov s skladbo 'Kiss. '

1998 - Robbie Williams je na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Life Thru A Lens', na njem sta tudi 'Angels' in 'Old before I die'.


1943 - Eve Graham, škotska pevka skupine The New Seekers ('I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing').