Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Ana Šircelj
Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Ana Šircelj

In 1813 the British researcher of Africa David Livingstone is born. During his explorations he discovered the Victoria Falls and Lake Tanganyika.

In 1947 the American actress Glenn Close is born.

In 1955 the American actor Bruce Willis is born.

In 1963 the Pink Panther is released. The Pink Panther is a series of comedy films about Inspector Jacques Clouseau. Most of the films were directed by Blake Edwards, with theme music composed by Henry Mancini.

In 1997 after 38 years of marriage Nelson and Winnie Mandela divorced.


1971 - the group T Rex is No. 1 on the British charts with 'Hot Love'.

1981 - Roxy Music is at the top of the British charts with 'Jealous Guy'.


1946 - Ruth Pointer, American R&B singer, the oldest sister in The Pointer Sisters ('Automatic').

1966 - the Slovene singer Anja Rupel ('Ne pozabi me').



Leta 721 pr. n. št. so v Babilonu prvič opisali in zabeležili pojav luninega mrka.

Leta 1813 se rodil britanski raziskovalec črne celine David Livingston. Na svojih raziskovanjih je odkril območje Zambezije z Viktorijinimi slapovi, ter jezeri Njasa In Tanganjika.

Leta 1947 se je rodila ameriška igralka Glenn Close.

Leta 1955 se je rodil ameriški igralec Bruce Willis.

Leta 1963 je svet prvič videl Pink Panterja. Rožnata zver se je pojavila v začetni in odjavni špici komedije Blaka Edwardsa. Postal je tako priljubljen, da je kmalu dobil lastno animirano serijo, ki je štela kar 124 risank. Znamenito glasbo je napisal Henry Mancini.

Leta 1984 je umrl slovenski pesnik Mile Klopčič.

Leta 1997 sta se po 38 letih zakona ločila Nelson in Winnie Mandela.


1971 - skupina T Rex je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice s skladbo 'Hot Love'.

1981 - Roxy Music so na vrhu britanske lestvice s skladbo 'Jealous Guy'.


1946 - Ruth Pointer, ameriška R&B pevka v The Pointer Sisters ('Automatic').

1966 - slovenska pevka Anja Rupel ('Ne pozabi me').