Photo: AP Foto:
Photo: AP Foto:

In 1821, the Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, one of the greatest writers of the 19th century, is born. His best known work is Crime and Punishment. In 1849 due to his participation in the revolutionary Petrashevsky Circle he was sentenced to death. Just before his execution, his sentence was commuted to four years of hard labour in Siberia.

In 1885, writer Ezra Pound is born. In 1941 on the radio he led fascist propaganda against the American system; he was arrested and accused of high treason. He was not executed because psychiatrists declared he was mentally ill.

In 1938 in New York a play by the young director Orson Welles entitled 'War of the Worlds' is put on air. The play was well directed and played so realistically that the audience, who did not hear the beginning of the play, took it very seriously. This resulted in hysterical crowds and many injured. Since then Orson Welles has been celebrated by many as a national hero, but many have also wanted to kill him.

In 1944, Ana Frank is deported from Auschwitz to the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen.

In 1947, the WTO (World Trade Organisation) is established.

In 1960, footballer Diego Maradona is born.


1971 - John Lennon and The Plastic Ono Band are at the top of the British albums chart with 'Imagine'. Along with the title song Imagine on the album are also 'Crippled Inside' and in an attack against Paul McCartney 'How Do You Sleep'.

1982 - Australian group Men At Work is No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Who Can It Be Now''.

1983 - at the top of the British singles chart is 'Karma Chameleon' by Culture Club.


1939 - Grace Slick, singer in the group Jefferson Airplane and Starship (1987 'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now').

1939 - Otis Williams, singer in the group The Temptations (1971 'Just My Imagination' and 'My Girl').


Leta 1821 se je rodil ruski pisatelj Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski, eden največjih pisateljev 19. stoletja. Njegovo najbolj znano delo je Zločin in kazen. Leta 1849 je bil zaradi udeležbe v revolucionarnem krožku Petraševskega obsojen na smrt, tik pred izvršitvijo kazni pa so ga pomilostili in poslali na prisilno delo v Sibirijo.

Leta 1885 se je rodil pisatelj Ezra Pound. Leta 1941 je po radiu vodil fašistično propagando proti ameriškemu sistemu, Američani so ga ujeli in obtožili veleizdaje. Smrti se je rešil, ker so ga psihiatri proglasili za duševno bolnega.

Leta 1938 so na newyorškem radiu predvajali igro režiserja Orsona Wellesa 'Vojna Svetov'. Igra je bila predvajana tako realistično, da so jo poslušalci, ki je niso spremljali od začetka, vzeli resno. Posledice so bile histerične množice in veliko ranjenih. Orsona Wellesa so od takrat mnogi slavili kot narodnega heroja, mnogi pa so ga hoteli usmrtiti.

Leta 1944 so Ano Frank iz Auschwitza deportirali v koncentracijsko taborišče Bergen-Belsen.

Leta 1947 je bila ustanovljena WTO (World Trade Organisation).

Leta 1960 se je rodil nogometaš Diego Maradona.


1971 - John Lennon in The Plastic Ono Band so na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Imagine'. Poleg naslovne Imagine sta na tem albumu tudi 'Crippled Inside' in v napad proti Paulu McCartneyu 'How Do You Sleep'.

1982 - australska skupina Men At Work je na 1. mesto ameriške lestvice singlov uvrstila 'Who Can It Be Now''.

1983 - na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov je pesem 'Karma Chameleon' in Culture Club.


1939 - Grace Slick, pevka skupin Jefferson Airplane in Starship (1987 'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now').

1939 - Otis Williams, pevec v skupini The Temptations (1971 'Just My Imagination' in 'My Girl')