Barbie Foto: EPA
Barbie Foto: EPA

In 1848, in Vienna a civil revolution breaks out, which is called the March Revolution. The Foreign Minister Klemens von Metternich is banished from the country.

In 1934, Soviet cosmonaut Jurij Aleksejevič Gagarin is born. He becomes the first person to fly in space when his spaceship Vostok I encircles Earth in one hour and 48 minutes. He died in an aircraft accident in 1968.

In 1959, the first Barbie doll was introduced to the world at the American Toy Fair in New York City.

In 1964, French actress Juliette Binoche is born.

In 2013, Slovene journalist and tv host Matjaž Tanko dies.


1968 - Bob Dylan is No. 1 on the British albums chart with 'John Wesley Harding'.

1985 - REO Speedwagon is at the top of the American charts with 'Can't Fight This Feeling'.

1991 - Chris Rea with his album 'Auberge' is at the top of the British charts; on the album is also 'The Road To Hell'.


1934 - Lloyd Price, American singer known as Mr. Personality (1959 'Stagger Lee').



Leta 1451 se je rodil italijanski pomorščak Amerigo Vespucci, ki je pod portugalsko in špansko zastavo odkrival nove dežele. Po njem nosi ime Amerika.

Leta 1848 je na Dunaju izbruhnila meščanska revolucija, t. i. marčna revolucija. V tujino je pregnala zunanjega ministra Klemensa von Metternicha.

Leta 1934 se je rodil sovjetski kozmonavt Jurij Aleksejevič Gagarin, ki je kot prvi človek poletel v vesolje. Z vesoljsko ladjo Vostok I je v eni uri in 48 minutah obkrožil Zemljo. Umrl je v letalski nesreči leta 1968.
Leta 1959 so na sejmu igrač v New Yorku predstavili punčko Barbie. Prva Barbika je bila oblečena v črno-bele kopalke, lase pa je imela spete v konjski rep.

Leta 1964 se je rodila francoska igralka Juliette Binoche.

Leta 2013 je umrl novinar in televizijski voditelj Matjaž Tanko.


1968 - Bob Dylan je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice albumov z 'John Wesley Harding'.

1985 - REO Speedwagon so na vrhu ameriške lestvice s skladbo 'Can't Fight This Feeling'.

1991 - Chris Rea je z albumom 'Auberge' na vrhu britanske lestvice, na njem je tudi 'The Road To Hell'.


1934 - Lloyd Price, ameriški pevec poznan kot 'Mr. Personality' ('Stagger Lee').