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Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

2. 10. 2020

Anže Kopitar je najboljši slovenski hokejist. Leta 2006 je kot prvi slovenski igralec hokeja zaigral v severnoameriški profesionalni hokejski ligi NHL. Deset let pozneje je postal kapetan slovitega moštva Kingsov. Športni zvezdnik pa se vsako poletje vrne v rodno Slovenijo. Ladjica pletna velja za pomembno znamenitost Bleda. Vsako leto prepelje na otok na tisoče turistov. Pletnarji so domačini in pletnarjenje gre iz roda v rod ‒ oče prepusti sinu obrt in leseno pletno, dokler si ta ne omisli svoje. Boris Čok prihaja iz vasi Lokve ob slovensko-italijanski meji. Je potomec kamnosekov in pastirjev, od katerih je podedoval tudi ljubezen do kamna in ljudskega izročila. Danes skrbi za ohranjanje dediščine kraške suhozidne gradnje. Bil je celo mentor angleškemu kraljevemu mojstru za suhogradnjo. Uršljo goro je mogoče videti s prav vseh koncev slovenske Koroške, zato ji pravijo tudi hišna gora Korošcev. Korošci ji rečejo kar Urška. Vrh Uršlje gore je eden najbolj obiskanih v Sloveniji, saj razkriva številne zanimivosti in ponuja čudovite razglede. Boris Mihalj je zelo zanimiva in kompleksna osebnost. Je gledališki igralec, kipar in slikar ter tudi aktiven državljan, ki poskuša nagovoriti politiko v dobro kulture. Je dvojni doktor humanističnih ved, trenutno pa pripravlja še tretji doktorat znanosti.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

30. 5. 2020

Alen Ožbolt je priznan slovenski umetnik in profesor na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Ljubljani. Od sredine 80. do sredine 90. let je deloval v priznanem umetniškem dvojcu Veš slikar svoj dolg, ki je bil znan po prostorskih slikah – novosti na likovnem prizorišču. Srečko Kosovel velja za velikega slovenskega avantgardnega pesnika z začetka 20. stoletja. Čeprav je umrl zelo mlad, star komaj 22 let, je zapustil izjemen pesniški opus. Obiskali smo njegovo domačijo na Krasu. Škocjanske jame veljajo za zelo posebne kraške jame. Po več kot sto letih so v tem največjem slovenskem podzemnem kanjonu na svetu ponovno odprli pot, po kateri so nekoč hodili prvi obiskovalci jame – Hankejev kanal. Ta je primeren le za tiste, ki se ne bojijo višine in so fizično dovolj pripravljeni. Bohinj velja za zeleno oazo Triglavskega narodnega parka. Tu se je ohranilo tudi veliko tradicionalnih veščin in značilnih izdelkov iz preteklosti. Nadeli so jim blagovno znamko Bohinjsko in jih tako predstavili širnemu svetu. Smaragdna reka Soča je izjemen naravni biser slovenskega alpskega sveta, ki s svojo značilno zelenomodro barvo, brzicami in tolmuni navduši vsakogar. Obiskali smo znamenite zgodovinske mostove, ki prečkajo to prelepo reko. *** Alen Ožbolt is a prominent Slovenian artist and Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. From the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, he was part of the renowned duo of artists Veš slikar svoj dolg (or Painter, Do You Know Your Duty in English), which was famous for its spatial paintings – a novelty on the art scene of the time. Srečko Kosovel is considered one of the greatest Slovenian avant-garde poets from the beginning of the 20th century. Although he died at a very young age, when he was only 22 years old, he left behind an outstanding body of work. We visited his place of birth in the Karst region. The Škocjan Caves are considered to be a truly special Karst phenomenon. After more than a hundred years, the Hanke Canal was reopened in this largest underground canyon in the world. This is in fact the path that the first visitors to the caves once walked. The Canal is only suitable for those who are not afraid of heights and are physically fit enough to undertake such a task. Bohinj is considered the green oasis of the Triglav National Park. In this area, many traditional skills and distinctive local products, which have been present here for centuries, continue to develop and are now advertised under the Bohinjsko or From Bohinj brand. The emerald Soča river is an exceptional natural gem in the Alpine world of Slovenia, whose visitors are always amazed by the river’s characteristic green-blue hues, its rapids and its pools. We visited the famous historic bridges that stretch over this beautiful river.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

21. 3. 2020

Kurnikova hiša v Tržiču je danes muzej. V 19. stoletju pa so tu živele generacije kolarjev. Izdelovali in popravljali so vozove, orodja. Janez Pergar, eden zadnjih izučenih slovenskih kolarjev, še vedno rad predstavi svoj poklic kot kulturno dediščino. Eva Peterson Lenassi sodi v srednjo generacijo slovenskih kipark. V njenem ateljeju se kiparstvo in lončarstvo prepletata ter združujeta. Odziv na njeno umetnost, ki velja za zelo izčiščeno, je bil tako v Evropi kot tudi na Daljnem Vzhodu, predvsem v Hong Kongu in Južni Koreji, kjer je imela razstave, zelo dober. Štirideseta leta prejšnjega stoletja so bila leta velikih big bandov, ki so igrali swing jazz oziroma plesno glasbo. V Sloveniji je bila ta glasba na vrhuncu takoj po drugi svetovni vojni. Big Band RTV Slovenija je postal vodilni slovenski jazzovski orkester. Letos praznuje 75 let delovanja in velja za eno najstarejših zasedb na svetu. V letošnjem letu je eno najuglednejših priznanj Planinske zveze Slovenije - Priznanje za življenjsko delo v alpinizmu prejel alpinist, gorski vodnik, reševalec Anton Sazonov – Tonač. Veronika Macarol je študenta arhitekture, ki se sprošča ob slikanju. Vendar pa javnost pozna Veroniko v drugi vlogi. Skupaj s Tino Mrak veljata za najboljši slovenski jadralki. Na olimpijskih igrah v Riu de Janeiru sta za le za las zgrešili olimpijsko odličje, zato so njune želje za Tokio usmerjene najvišje. *** Today, the Kurnik house in Tržič is a museum. In the 19th century, it was home to generations of wheelwrights. This is where they made and repaired wagons and tools. Janez Pergar, one of the last professionally trained Slovenian wheelwrights, still enjoys presenting his profession as part of the local cultural heritage. Eva Peterson Lenassi belongs to the middle generation of Slovenian sculptors. Sculpture and pottery intertwine and combine in her studio. Her art is considered highly refined and her exhibitions are met with a very good reception in both Europe and the Far East, particularly in Hong Kong and South Korea. The 1940s was a decade of Big Bands playing swing jazz or music for dancing. This style of music reached its peak in Slovenia immediately after World War II. The RTV Slovenia Big Band became the leading Slovenian jazz orchestra. This year, the orchestra is celebrating 75 years and is considered one of the world’s oldest ensembles of its kind. This year, one of the most prestigious awards of the Alpine Association of Slovenia – the Lifetime Achievement Award – went to mountaineer, mountain guide and mountain rescue member Anton Sazonov – Tonač. Veronika Macarol is a student of architecture who relaxes by painting. However, the public knows her in a different role. Alongside Tina Mrak, she is considered Slovenia’s best competitive sailor. At the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the duo came within a hair’s breadth of standing on the podium, which is why their aspirations for Tokyo are geared towards the very top.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

22. 2. 2020

Drago Jančar je eden najpomembnejših sodobnih slovenskih pisateljev. Za svoje delo je prejel vrsto domačih in mednarodnih literarnih nagrad. Velja za najbolj prevajanega slovenskega pisatelja. Zanj pa so največja nagrada bralci njegovih del. Verjame v svobodno družbo in ustvarjalnost. Za »resnično zvezdo« je mednarodno uveljavljeno oblikovalko Niko Zupanc razglasil častnik Wall Street Journal. Njene izdelke: luči, stole, zofe, ogledala, pa tudi igrače je ameriška revija Elle označila za »pank eleganco«. Svojevrstnost njenih izdelkov ji je odprla vrata v svet svetovno priznanih oblikovalcev. Kar nekaj njenih izdelkov je že zelo prepoznavnih. Na primer svetilki Lolita in Black Cherry. Slamnikarstvo je pomemben del slovenske kulturne dediščine, saj je bilo med 18. in 20. stoletjem med pomembnejšimi obrtmi na Slovenskem. Žal pa je začela po drugi svetovni vojni tradicija pletenja slamnatih kit in izdelovanja slamnikov zamirati. Da ne bi šla popolnoma v pozabo, danes skrbi Slamnikarski muzej v središču Domžal. Prirodoslovni muzej je osrednji naravoslovni muzej v Sloveniji. Izhaja iz Deželnega muzeja, ki je bil ustanovljen že davnega leta 1821. Hrani pa nacionalno, evropsko in svetovno pomembne zbirke. Med njimi sta ustanovni zbirki muzeja – zbirka mineralov Žige Zoisa in zbirka konhilij, lupin mehkužcev z vsega sveta, Franca Hohenwarta Sanjske pokrajine akademske slikarke Apolonije Simon so kot opomin na ekološko katastrofo, ki nam preti. Te podobe pokrajin se k njej kar naprej vračajo, zato jih njena roka vztrajno zarisuje na platno. Tisto, kar v Apoloniji Simon vzbuja koncetracijo in energijo, pa je stara kitajska borilna veščina Tai ji quan.. *** AUTHOR DRAGO JANČAR Drago Jančar is one of the most prominent contemporary Slovenian authors. He has received numerous national and international literary awards for his work and is also considered the most translated Slovenian writer. To him, however, the greatest prize are the readers of his works. He firmly believes in free society and creativity. DESIGNER NIKA ZUPANC An internationally acclaimed designer, Nika Zupanc has been named a “real star” by the Wall Street Journal. Her designs, such as lamps, chairs, sofas, mirrors, as well as toys, have been labelled as “punk elegance” by the US edition of Elle magazine. Her unique designs have propelled her into the world of globally renowned designers. Quite a few of her products, for example, the Lolita and Black Cherry lamps, are already highly recognisable. THE CRAFT OF STRAW HAT MAKING The straw hat making craft is an important part of the Slovenian cultural heritage as it was one of the most important crafts in Slovenia between the 18th and the 20th centuries. Unfortunately, after World War II, the tradition of making straw braids and hats began to die down. This is why the Straw Hat Making Museum in the centre of Domžale is now making sure that this craft will never fall into oblivion completely. THE SLOVENIAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY The Slovenian Museum of Natural History is the leading museum of natural history in Slovenia. It was originally established in 1821 as the Provincial Museum of Carniola. It is now home to national, European and other internationally important collections. Among them are also the museum’s founding collections – the Žiga Zois’ mineral collection and the collection of conchylia, mollusc shells from all over the world, by Franz Hohenwart. PAINTER APOLONIJA SIMON The dreamy landscapes of academy-trained painter Apolonija Simon are like a reminder of an ecological disaster that looms over us. These images of landscapes keep coming to her, prompting her to relentlessly inscribe them into the canvas. It is the old Chinese martial art of Tai ji quan, however, that stimulates the focus and energy of Apolonija’s work.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

25. 1. 2020

ŽIGA ZOIS Baron Žiga Zois je bil pomemben slovenski razsvetljenec. Visoko kultiviran, izobražen in premožen je razumel pomembnost kulture. Njej je namenil svoje življenje in bogastvo. Podpiral je širok krog ustvarjalcev, s katerim je ustvaril temelje slovenskega jezika in kulture. VLADIMIR LEBEN Likovni svet akademskega slikarja Vladimirja Lebna je zelo pester. Poleg zelo raznolikih likovnih tehnik in umetniških pristopov pritegnejo pozornost upodobljeni motivi. Ti zelo pogosto posegajo v svet živali, ki postanejo simbol vsega, kar nas obdaja. KOVAČIJA JEVANIŠ V dolini Kanomlje pri Idriji je vedno manj kovačev in le redki še obvladajo to staro veščino. Na domačiji Pr Jevaniš je stara kovaška delavnica, v kateri je še vse po starem. Pred desetletji je v njej nazadnje koval ded Sandija Bončine. Ta se zdaj sam na novo uči kovaštva. KOROŠKA KULINARIKA Tri velike evropske kuhinje – alpska, sredozemska in panonska – si v Sloveniji podajajo roko, vsaka s svojimi značilnimi jedmi. V Sloveniji

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

14. 12. 2019

LIZNJEKOVA DOMAČIJA V osrčju Kranjske Gore stoji več kot 300 let stara mogočna kmečka hiša – Liznjekova domačija. Značilen primer slovenske alpske arhitekture je danes pravi živi muzej, ki svojo bogato etnološko zbirko predstavlja na zanimiv način. Muzej se je pridružil Alpskemu dnevu črnega kruha, delavnice peke kruha v stari krušni peči pa prirejajo vse leto. NEURESNIČENI PLEČNIK Mojstrovine velikega slovenskega arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika so neusahljiv vir navdiha. Nekatera njegova dela, ki realizacije zaradi takega ali drugačnega vzroka niso dočakala, so še danes videti drzne vizije. S pomočjo 3D-vizualizacije štirih izbranih Plečnikovih projektov za slovensko prestolnico se nam lepo razkrije vsa kompleksnost njegovih vizij. DAMIJAN KRACINA Damijan Kracina je akademski kipar in večmedijski ustvarjalec. V svojih umetniških projektih se ukvarja z na videz nenavadnimi fantastičnimi svetovi, sistemi in objekti, ki jih obravnava z veliko humorja in družbene kritičnosti. MUZEJ IGRAČ Medvedki, gugalni konjički, punčke, avtomobilčki, družabne igre … V otroškem muzeju Hermanov brlog igrače govorijo same zase. Pripovedujejo zgodbo o igri in igranju, o otroški domišljiji in iznajdljivosti. LECTARSTVO V RADOVLJICI Lectarstvo je starodavna obrt izdelovanja okrasnega peciva iz medenega testa. Na Slovenskem se je ta spretnost še ohranila in ponovno dobiva pomen. Med slovenskimi lectarji se s kar 250-letno tradicijo ponaša gostišče Lectar iz Radovljice, v katerem imajo tudi lectarsko delavnico in muzej. *** THE LIZNJEK HOMESTEAD In the heart of Kranjska Gora stands the Liznjek Homestead. This mighty farmhouse, which is over 300 years old, is a typical example of Slovenian alpine architecture. The house has been turned into a museum and today exhibits a rich ethnological collection. The museum has joined the Alpine Black Bread Day and holds workshops on baking bread in the wood-fired oven all year round. PLEČNIK’S UNREALISED WORKS The masterpieces of the great Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik are an endless source of inspiration. Some of his projects, which for some reason or other have never seen the light of day, remain bold and visionary creations to this day. The sheer complexity of his visions is beautifully presented through the 3D visualization of four of his metropolitan projects for the Slovenian capital. DAMIJAN KRACINA Damijan Kracina is an Academy-trained sculptor and a multimedia artist. In his projects, he deals with seemingly unusual fantasy worlds, systems and objects, which he tackles with a great deal of humour and social criticism. TOY MUSEUM Teddy bears, rocking horses, dolls, toy car, board games ... in the Children’s Museum Herman’s Den, toys speak for themselves. They tell the story of play, children’s imagination and ingenuity … GINGERBREAD MAKING IN RADOVLJICA Gingerbread making is an ancient craft of making decorative pastry from honey dough. In Slovenia, this skill has been preserved and is again gaining importance. Among Slovenian gingerbread makers, the Lectar Inn from Radovljica boasts a 250-year-long tradition. The inn also houses a gingerbread workshop and a museum.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

16. 11. 2019

Slovensko sonaravno in trajnostno gospodarjenje z gozdom predstavlja zgled vse več državam. Jama pod Babjim zobom se ponaša z velikimi kalcitnimi kristali in polžasto zavitimi kapniki, helektiti. Ladijske polene, votivne figure na premcih ladij, sodijo med dragoceno dediščino pomorstva. Slikarja Rudija Skočirja je zasvojila figura ženske, ki ji posveča velik del svojega ustvarjalnega opusa. V Istri je jesen čas tartufov in istrski beli tartuf je eden najbolj cenjenih na svetu. *** SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT Forests are the green lungs of our planet. They cover almost 60% of Slovenia’s surface area, making it the third most forested country in Europe. Slovenia is setting an example to more and more countries with its sustainable forest management, which is preserving the forest for future generations. THE CAVE UNDER BABJI ZOB The cave under Babji zob is one of the oldest in Slovenia. It lies below the rock face of the same name at an altitude of one thousand metres above sea level, which makes it quite difficult to access. It is adorned with beautiful dripstone formations, including large calcite crystals and spirally-formed speleothems called helictites, which are very rare in Slovenia and elsewhere. FIGUREHEADS Valuable maritime heritage includes figureheads, the carved wooden decorations found on the bows of ships, which were once believed to protect the sea vessels from disasters and unknown supernatural forces. PAINTER RUDI SKOČIR Painter, printmaker and illustrator Rudi Skočir used to depict miners but then became captivated by the female figure. His women are convincing, mysterious and always richly expressive. TARTUFARJI Slovenia is one of only four European countries where you can find truffles, the rare and valuable underground tubers. They are highly esteemed in cuisine for their distinct and strong taste, but their high price is also due to the popular belief that they are an aphrodisiac. On the Istrian peninsula, autumn is the time of truffles.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

19. 10. 2019

Most na Soči sodi med pomembna evropska arheološka najdišča, posebej bogate so najdbe iz železne dobe. Ostanki rimskega obrambnega sistema Claustra Alpium Iuliarum so največji rimskodobni spomenik na slovenskih tleh. Kombinat arhitekti gradijo arhitekturo v skladu s trajnostnimi načeli. Tiskar Janez Rozman je čuvaj črne umetnosti in srednjeveške kulturne dediščine. Posebnost slovenske kulturne krajine so zidanice, ki zadnja leta odpirajo svoja vrata tudi turistom. *** Most na Soči is one of the most important archaeological sites in Europe. Particularly rich are the finds from the Iron Age, also referred to as “Sveta Lucija Culture”, named after the old name of this settlement. Today, the Cultural and Historical Trail runs through the town, which takes visitors through its three-thousand-year history. Claustra Alpium Iuliarum was an Alpine barrier that protected the late Roman Empire from the barbarians. At its inner borders, the territory of present-day Slovenia was also a part of this defence system. In terms of its importance, it can easily contend with the much more famous Hadrian’s Wall in Britain and the Limes on the Rhine in Germany. In just over a decade, Kombinat Architects have attained a prominent position on the Slovenian architecture scene. They tread carefully into the environment with their projects, not wanting to destroy the balance as they build. At the same time, they look for a new potential in the space that would allow them to apply their knowledge in original ways. Printer Janez Rozman, who calls himself the keeper of the black art, is an expert on the history of printing. He has even produced a replica of Gutenberg’s wooden press, which was used by the inventor of the printing press in 1455 to print the first Bible. The reconstruction of the press is now on display at Bled Castle, while, at his home, master Janez has set up a veritable museum of printing. Slovenia is a wine-producing country divided into three main wine-growing regions. One of them is the Posavje wine-growing area whose specialty are its vineyard cottages, known as zidanice. Most of them can be found in the Dolenjska region. In the recent years, these vineyard cottages have also opened their doors to tourists.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

21. 9. 2019

Zgodovina Ankarana se je začela pisati v 12. stoletju, danes je to predvsem obmorski turistični kraj. Krn, najvišji vrh Krnskega pogorja, se ponaša tudi z največjim visokogorskim jezerom v Sloveniji. Sloviti industrijski oblikovalec Oskar Kogoj ustvarja svoje izjemne umetnine že šest desetletij. Notranjski park je eden izmed treh regijskih parkov v Sloveniji, spoznali ga bomo skozi oči biologa Jošta Stergarška. Bohinjska planina Laz je ena izmed redkih, kjer planšarska tradicija ni nikoli zamrla. **** Though the Slovenian coastline measures only 47 kilometres, it holds many interesting sites. Ankaran is a small seaside town right near the border with Italy. It is surrounded by vineyards and olive groves; today it is primarily a tourist destination. Its greatest attractions are the former Benedictine monastery, the only Slovenian salt meadow and a dune made out of shells, which is a rarity in Europe. Around 1.7 million people visit the Slovenian mountains each year. The mountains are traversed by over 10 000 km of hiking trails and count about 180 Alpine huts, bivouacs and shelters. Above the central part of the Soča Valley lies Krn, the tallest mountain of the Krn range, boasting Slovenia’s largest high-altitude lake. The world-renowned Slovenian designer Oskar Kogoj is celebrating the 60th anniversary of his creative work this year. His masterpieces are kept in more than a hundred museums at home and abroad. They reflect nature, the spiritual messages of the ancient civilisations and the Slovenian cultural heritage. Slovenia is among the most bio-diverse countries in the EU and features a very diverse landscape. 13% of its territory falls under various levels of protection. Its protected areas include three regional parks, among them the Notranjska park, where biologist Jošt Stergaršek works. The Bohinj area, situated in the Triglav National Park, has been the biggest Alpine dairy centre in Slovenia for centuries. As recently as in the mid-twentieth century, almost 50 living mountain pastures could be found here, whereas today there are only half as many left. Laz is one of the two mountain pastures in Bohinj, where the Alpine dairy farming tradition never died out.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

29. 6. 2019

V Bohinju so pripravili že 13. Mednarodni festival alpskega cvetja, s katerim se poklonijo tamkajšnjemu cvetličnemu bogastvu. Blejski vintgar je prva soteska v Sloveniji, ki so jo konec 19. stoletja uredili za turistični obisk. Biolog Miha Krofel je eden največjih poznavalcev velikih zveri pri nas. Umetniški opus slikarja Mateja Metlikoviča ima poudarjeno duhovno dimenzijo. Poljak Piotr Skrzypiec s svojimi fotografijami predstavlja lepote Slovenije, ki so ga povsem zasvojile. *** INTERNATIONAL WILD FLOWER FESTIVAL IN BOHINJ In the heart of the Julian Alps and Triglav National Park lies Bohinj, an oasis of peace and unspoiled nature. As this is a meeting point of the Alpine and Mediterranean worlds, the Bohinj area features an outstanding biotic and botanical diversity. In late spring, when nature is at its best and the meadows bloom, the people of Bohinj pay homage to their floral treasures with the International Festival of Wild Flowers. THE BLED VINTGAR GORGE In the Triglav National Park also lies the Bled Vintgar Gorge.The beautiful gorge was created by the Radovna, the Alpine river which forges its way across the valley through narrow crevasses. Bled Vintgar was the first gorge in Slovenia arranged for tourist visits at the end of the 19th century. BIOLOGIST MIHA KROFEL Slovenia is home to three large European beasts – the bear, the wolf and the lynx. While the population of bears and wolves is growing, the lynx is on the verge of extinction. One of the greatest experts on large beasts in Slovenia is biologist Miha Krofel, who also takes part in various international research projects in Africa and Asia. PAINTER MATEJ METLIKOVIČ the artistic oeuvre of painter Matej Metlikovič has a pronounced spiritual dimension. He paints on canvas, wood and paper, and also produces stained glass. He seeks inspiration in the great painters, as well as literature and music, to which he frequently resorts during his work in the studio. PHOTOGRAPHER PIOTR SKRZYPIEC In spite of its small size Slovenia is an extremely diverse country at the crossroads of the Alpine, Mediterranean, Pannonian and Dinaric worlds. Due to this diversity, it is also particularly interesting to photographers. Piotr Skrzypiec from Poland was so enthusiastic about Slovenia that he made it his home and now portrays its beautiful features in his photographs.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

1. 6. 2019

Biser kraškega podzemlja Škocjanske jame praznujejo letos 200. letnico obiskovanja. Čudež kraške narave je tudi presihajoče Cerkniško jezero. Breginjski kot je idiličen konec države, ki ga je za vselej spremenil potres pred dobrimi štirimi desetletji. Ilustratorko Vesno Benedetič navdihuje kraško podeželje, kjer živi. Samo Kreft proučuje zdravilne rastline, ki spet pridobivajo na veljavi. *** ŠKOCJAN CAVES Their unique underground canyon, spacious cave halls, opulent karst ornamentation, and abundant biodiversity make Škocjan caves a truly magical subterranean world. Since 1986, they have been included on UNESCO's list of world heritage sites. This year, the Škocjan caves are marking 200 years since the first entry in their book of visitors. LAKE CERKNICA The intermittent Lake Cerknica is another miracle of Karstic nature. Its ceaseless circle of disappearances and reappearances has always fascinated the imagination. Ample autumn rainfall causes underground waters to bubble to the surface and submerge the surrounding fields; in dry seasons the waters trickle back the way they came. This mysterious game of nature is accurately represented by a mechanical scale model in the local Jezerski hram museum. BREGINJSKI KOT In the very western reaches of Slovenia, right on the border with Italy, lies the valley of Breginjski kot. Thirteen settlements were dug into this hilly and mountainous world, traversed with river valleys. The Breginjski kot endured the sad fate of emigration, which was further exacerbated by the catastrophic earthquake of 1976. The earthquake forever altered the face of this remote though and idyllic part of the country. ILLUSTRATOR VESNA BENEDETIČ Vesna Benedetič is most known for her illustrations, though she also works in watercolours and graphic design. Her works are vibrant; she loves colour and contrast. Her creativity has been greatly influenced by the Karstic landscape, which has served as her home for the last decade. SAMO KREFT AND MEDICINAL PLANTS Plants have always been the main source of human medicine, but were – with a few exceptions – pushed beyond official medicine in the past century. However, their status is gaining ground again in recent times. Slovenian pharmacists, including Samo Kreft, have a few years ago discovered one of the strongest antioxidants in the world, namely an extract from the silver fir.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

4. 5. 2019

Škofja Loka je eno najlepših in najbolje ohranjenih srednjeveških mest na Slovenskem. Bogdan Kladnik je velik ljubitelj in zaščitnik narave, zato je pred desetletjem ustanovil organizacijo Guardians of the Earth, Varuhi zemlje, ki ima privržence tudi že na Kitajskem. V okviru projekta «Življenje traviščem« naj bi v vzhodni Sloveniji ohranili travnike, ko po so vsej Evropi močno ogroženo naravno okolje. Andreja Peklar je slikarka, ilustratorka in avtorica izvrstnih otroških slikanic. Slikar Tomislav Rene Čopi pa na Bovškem izdeluje poslikane panjske končnice, ki so izvirna slovenska posebnost. *** Slovenia has a rich heritage of historical city centres. Škofja Loka, founded by the Freising bishops in 973, is considered one of the most beautiful and best preserved medieval towns. Its inhabitants were known as good traders, craftsmen, carvers and artists, which is beautifully demonstrated by the adorned façades of the houses. Bogdan Kladnik, who has been won over by the beauty of nature from a very tender age, is sad to observe how our planet is increasingly being polluted and destroyed. With his photographs, books, and especially with the activities of the international association of nature lovers, known as the Guardians of the Earth, whose founder he is, Bogdan Kladnik wants to raise awareness and teach people how to protect nature, as this means protecting our very own existence. Grasslands are one of the most endangered natural environments throughout the world, Slovenia included. In 2015, the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation began restoring dry grasslands as part of its Life to Grasslands project, which will run until 2020. Andreja Peklar is a painter, an illustrator and an author of children's picture books. Her illustrations also adorn textbooks and magazines for children and the younger generation. She is an acclaimed artist, and the winner of many prestigious national and international awards. Slovenes are a nation with a long beekeeping tradition, which has given way to some special features related to beekeeping. One of them are the painted beehive panels or panjske končnice, painted on the front panels of the hives. In the area of Bovec, their replicas are made by Tomislav Rene Čopi.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

20. 4. 2019

Pragozd Krokar je največji v Sloveniji in je vpisan tudi na Unescov seznam svetovne naravne dediščine. Dr. Uroš Ahčan je vrhunski plastični, rekonstrukcijski in ekstetski kirurg, ki premika meje tudi v svetovnem merilu. V edinem ohranjenem mariborskem gradu je danes Pokrajinski muzej. Stanka Golob je za svoj slikarski medij izbrala pesek. Kulinarika postaja pomemben del turistične ponudbe. *** KROKAR PRIMEVAL FOREST In the forest-covered Slovenia, there are as many as 14 primeval forests or their remains, covering a total of 540 hectares. The largest among them is Krokar Primeval Forest in Kočevsko, which has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Natural Site since 2017. DR UROŠ AHČAN Slovenia has a great number of outstanding doctors including experts that move boundaries by world measure. Among these is top expert, plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon, Dr Uroš Ahčan. MARIBOR MUSEUM Maribor, the second largest Slovenian city, grew on the banks of the Drava River, at the crossroads of Central European trade routes, and was first mentioned in written records in 1254. The city used to have three castles, of which only one remains preserved. Today, it is the seat of the Maribor Regional Museum. SAND PAINTINGS Painter Stanka Golob has chosen sand as the medium of her artistic expression. The technique of sand painting may seem simple and easy, but it requires a lot of preparation and precision, as corrections at a later stage of the process are not possible. She uses sand of different size and colour to give her paintings a spatial dimension. SLOVENIAN CUISINE In the tourist offer of a country, gastronomy holds an important place. This awareness has grown in Slovenia in the recent years, and the country has made great advances in the field of cuisine, becoming increasingly recognised in the world as a destination of outstanding culinary and wine experiences. This March, it hosted the European Food Summit and, in 2021, it will be the bearer of the title European Gastronomic Region.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

6. 4. 2019

Slovenija je dežela gozdov, zato razvija nova znanja glede zaščite lesa. Doktorica biomedicinskih znanosti Petra Draškovič Pelc je svoje poslanstvo našla v naravoslovni fotografiji in vodenju po naravi. Semenska banka Botaničnega vrta Univerze v Ljubljani skrbi za ohranjanje naše bogate biotske raznovrstnosti. Slikar Rudolf Španzel velja za enega najboljših slovenskih portretistov. Oddaja predstavlja še vrhunskega alpinista Aleša Česna. *** NEW KNOWLEDGE ABOUT WOOD PROTECTION Slovenia is a land of forests, which cover nearly 60% of its surface area, making wood a significant natural resource. Therefore, it is of no great surprise that Slovenia’s research within the fields of wood and forestry places third in Europe. The Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana conducts testing of native species of wood and attempts to prolong their lifespan. NATURE PHOTOGRAPHER PETRA DRAŠKOVIČ PELC A few years ago, Petra Draškovič Pelc, a doctor of biomedical science, decided to quit working as a scientific researcher and dedicate herself entirely to nature. She found her calling in natural photography and guiding nature tours, particularly in the wild and mysterious forests of Kočevsko, where she lives today. PLANT SEED BANK The environment changes quickly. Man’s interference in nature plays a large part in this process. As a result of these changes, numerous plant species are endangered. Seed banks are in charge of preserving bio-diversity. Since the 1970s, this task has been very successfully addressed by the Seed Bank of the ‘University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana’, while the Botanic Gardens have been trading seeds with other botanic gardens since as early as 1889. PAINTER RUDI ŠPANZEL Painter Rudi Španzel is considered one of Slovenia’s best and most sought-after portrait artists. His works combine realism and thought provoking symbolism. He is particularly proud of one of his latest works, a triptych titled ‘The Dance of Life and Death’, which he dedicated to the victims of World War I. WORLD CLASS ALPINIST ALEŠ ČESEN They say that the apple does not fall far from the tree. This is certainly true regarding the family of renowned alpinist Tomo Česen, both of whose sons are also alpinists. Of the two, Aleš is particularly successful, having won the most prestigious international Piolet d'Or, or 'Golden Ice Axe’, award. Aleš earned his place in alpinist history again last year as part of a three-member Slovenian-English team, the first-ever to successfully climb Latok 1.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

9. 3. 2019

Slovenija ima bogato tradicijo orglarstva in izdelovanja orgel, še danes jih pri nas stoji skoraj 1100. Mestna hiša Ljubljane je eden izmed arhitekturnih biserov prestolnice. Industrijski oblikovalki Nina Mršnik in Nuša Jelenc iz odpadne plastike izdelujeta zanimivo pohištvo. Aleš Erman pa je izdelovalec unikatnih kitar. V oddaji predstavljamo še kraškega ovčarja, edino mednarodno priznano slovensko avtohtono pasmo psov. **** Slovenia has a rich history of organ pipe music and organ pipe making. What sets it apart from other countries is the intertwine between Central European and Mediterranean cultural influences, sometimes even in the same pipe organ. This is a unique Slovenian feature. The Ljubljana Town Hall is one of the architectural gems of the Slovenian capital. The Town Hall was built in late 15th century and got its current look in the early 1700s. Designers Nuša Jelenc and Nina Mršnik have developed a very interesting product, Toasted Furniture. They presented it at the exhibition in Ljubljana Museum of Architecture and Design. The basic material for their furniture is recycled, melted waste plastic, an innovative approach with a very important ecological dimension at the same time. The Pokljuka Plateau is the largest uninterrupted forest area within the Triglav National Park. Some of the trees growing in these extensive woods produce a top-quality resonant wood, which is used for musical instruments. The Pokljuka resonant wood, especially from firs which grow very slowly, is also used by Aleš Erman, a guitar maker. The Karst Shepherd is the only internationally recognised Slovenian indigenous dog breed. Karst shepherds were originally shepherd dogs for protecting herds from wolves. Their herding role was lost with the decline of small cattle breeding in the first half of the last century. They are now mainly family dogs. Nevertheless, they are gradually resuming their original role as shepherd dogs.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

9. 2. 2019

Pravi biser dolenjskega krasa je Županova jama v bližini Grosuplja, ki jo je leta 1926 odkril takratni župan, po katerem je tudi dobila ime. Matej Vranič se ukvarja s studijsko, pokrajinsko in portretno fotografijo ter z video produkcijo. Najraje fotografira naravo, predvsem prosto živeče živali. Kipar Vojc Sodnikar Ponis se je preizkušal v različnih materialih, vendar je prepričan, da mu kamen daje največ izraznih možnosti. Brane Vižintin je eden največjih slovenskih mojstrov lutkovne umetnosti: je lutkovni animator, igralec, režiser in tudi univerzitetni predavatelj. Mesto Tržič, ki velja za eno izmed zibelk športnega smučanja v Sloveniji, se zdaj ponaša še s smučarskim muzejem.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

12. 1. 2019

Grad v Slovenski Bistrici skriva zanimivo kulturno dediščino kraja. Slikarka in restavratorka Mira Ličen odslikava živahno sredozemsko pokrajino, v kateri živi, nekdanja baletna plesalka Valentina Turcu pa je zdaj mednarodno priznana koreografinja. Kovaški mojster Jože Krmelj edini v Sloveniji izdeluje damaščansko jeklo. Kostanj ni le pomemben del slovenske tradicije ampak tudi nepogrešljiv del jesensko-zimskega utripa mest.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

30. 11. 2018

Ostanki rimske Celeie v Celju so edinstveno arheološko najdišče v Sloveniji. Slikar Rok Zelenko se oplaja v mediteranskem okolju Istre, kjer živi. Stane Krajnc je vrhunski konstruktor in izdelovalec padal ter pionir basejumpa v Sloveniji. Stara Pleterska cerkev se ponaša z izjemnimi usmerjevalci akustike, tako imenovanimi štimancami. V Podbrezju na Gorenjskem so oživili izdelavo izvirne podbreške potice.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

2. 11. 2018

Grad Kostel je s prenovo in rekonstrukcijo spet dobil nekaj nekdanje podobe. Ilustrator Marjan Manček je izjemen pripovedovalec zgodb s pretanjenim smislom za humor. Dolina Topla pod južnim ostenjem Pece je ena najslikovitejših gorskih dolin v Sloveniji. Oddaja predstavlja še gledališče kamišibaj In vrhunska akrobata F&B Acrobatics, ki premikata meje možnega.

Slovenski magazin Slovenski magazin

5. 10. 2018

V tokratni oddaji Slovenski magazin: - kartuzija Pleterje, edina še delujoča na slovenskih tleh - Dnevi narodnih noš v Kamniku, največji etnološki festival pri nas - 110 let Donata, z magnezijem najbogatejše mineralne vode na svetu - portret slikarja Tomaža Perka - in glamping ob Bloškem jezeru

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