The cleanup efforts continue. Foto: Ergyn Žječi
The cleanup efforts continue. Foto: Ergyn Žječi
Gasilci  na delu med poplavami

According to rough preliminary estimates, the storm caused damage of more than 30 million euros. The damage the municipal infrastructure and buildings in the municipalities of Žiri, Gorenja vas - Poljane and Škofja Loka have suffered is estimated to 13 to 18 million euros, and the damage to watercourses to approximately 17 million euros.

Numerous teams of road workers and municipal utility workers, firemen and soldiers are still today dealing with the consequences. "The intervention will continue for a few more days, and then the regular rehabilitation will start," Janez Žakelj, the mayor of Žiri, explained.

In Ljubljana more than 900 buildings have been flooded. Rober Kus, Head of Disaster Management Department of the City of Ljubljana, says that all the water has been drained from basements, underground car parks, and most of industrial buildings. They have already started with removal of bulky waste.

Large quantity of rain
The flash flood was among the worst ever. The quantity of water was so large as probably never in the last 90 years, said the mayor of Polhov Gradec Franc Setnikar; he explained that the entire valley from Dobrova to Polhov Gradec turned into one enormous lake.

The exact damage caused by the storm is not known yet, but it is already obvious that the affected municipalities cannot expect all the necessary funds for rehabilitation from the state. The state will however assure intervention funds in the amount of 400,000 euros for cleaning river-beds, and for road repairs.

L. D., MMC
Translated by G. K.