Mojca Lukančič managed to obtain five working days of deferment for Aha Mura. Foto: BoBo
Mojca Lukančič managed to obtain five working days of deferment for Aha Mura. Foto: BoBo
The owners of Aha Mura weeks ago claimed that they would get investors, and pay the debts. Foto: BoBo

Although the judge established that proposal for receivership of Mura filed by the Tax Administration (DURS) was justified, and that the company was insolvent, he allowed the proprietor a deferral of five working days for repaying the 6 million debt.

At the Murska Sobota District Court the hearing for introduction of receivership of Aha Mura continued, which was postponed three weeks before on request of the co-owner Mojca Lukančič. As reported by Radio Slovenija, Lukančič, as the legal representative, brought to the court a letter of intent by their business partner, promising the payment of the debt of the entire group Aha, and she assured that the receivership proposed for Aha Mura already in February by the Tax Administration would not be necessary.

The judge Franc Granfol at the hearing established that the Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia rightly filed the proposal for the receivership of the company, and confirmed the fact that the company was insolvent, and that all the conditions for receivership were fulfilled. But the co-owner of the company, acting also as its legal representative, asked for five more working days during which she intends to pay the due sum, i.e. the debt for employee's contributions, in the amount of 6 million EUR.

With the consent of the public prosecutor, and the DURS representative, the judge decided to issue the decision on introduction of receivership next Friday, instead of next Wednesday, unless the proposal for receivership would be withdrawn by DURS by midday, Lidija Kosi reported for Radio Slovenija.

70 million by next Friday
Boštjan Rous, TV Slovenija correspondent, explained that the judge approved the deferment based on the Lukančič's promise, and the letter of intent assuring that the investor from Germany would, by the end of the next week, provide 70 million euros for settling not only the debt towards the Tax Administration, but also debts towards the other creditor, i.e. Nova Ljubljanska banka, and simultaneously provide financial means for operation of the companies of the Aha group.

Aha Mura presently employs approximately 1,200 employees, who received their salaries on Thursday, but again the contributions for social security were not paid.

They can't count on help from the state
The workers are worried, as they have not yet forgotten what happened in 2009 at the then introduction of receivership. A number of their colleagues, approximately 500, is still unemployed, especially those from the less-employable group, and they can hardly hope for getting a job. As the departing Minister of Economy Metod Dragonja said at the occasion of his recent visit to Prekmurje, Aha Mura can't count on help from the state any more.

"I think we made it clear that the state has no more instruments left. The situation must be solved by the owners," Dragonja said. After all, it was them who received the money from the state.

G. C., T. K. B.
Translated by G. K.