At the Vina Benčina farm dried Cabernet Sauivignon grapes were pressed. The wine was named Christmas Medun as its smell and taste remind of honey. Foto: Mojca Dumančič
At the Vina Benčina farm dried Cabernet Sauivignon grapes were pressed. The wine was named Christmas Medun as its smell and taste remind of honey. Foto: Mojca Dumančič

At the Vina Benčina farm dried Cabernet Sauivignon grapes were pressed. The wine was named Christmas Medun as its smell and taste remind of honey.

This year's golden autumn offered excellent conditions for winegrowers, and promised a rich harvest, therefore the Benčina family in Lože in the Vipava Valley decided to dry the best grapes. Dušan Benčina, the head of the viticultural farm, said:"On October 7 we picked the Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from the three best locations at Erzelj and in Lože. The grapes were very healthy, of the just right maturity, perfect for drying. We have been drying grapes for several years, but the conditions this year were perfect, and it was a unique opportunity. Therefore we decided to let it dry as long as possible – and the grapes remained perfectly healthy in the crates until Christmas."

Crushing at Christmas
In the beginning of October the Benčina family picked one ton and 800 kilogrammes of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. They put healthy grapes in crates, and left them to dry in the air and the Vipava bora wind almost three months. The head of the farm was pleased with the results, and the pressing started during Christmas holidays. "The grapes remained healthy. Not a single grape was discarded after removing stalks. They contained concentrated sugar, and I was quite impatient to try the first juice, the must from the dried Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. Of course, at first we crushed the raisins, left them to macerate for a few days, and only then we pressed them. The first juice was really sweet." The crushing at Christmas was observed and supervised also by the experts of the Agricultural Institute Nova Gorica.