Some time ago Dars published instructions for proper positioning of vehicles in case of a highway accident. Foto: DARS
Some time ago Dars published instructions for proper positioning of vehicles in case of a highway accident. Foto: DARS

"Some time ago we had shown how the intervention vehicles can more easily approach the scene of the accident when other vehicles stop in an adequate manner, thus making way for them. But not much later we have made new recordings, showing the opposite – vehicles which had stopped inadequately, thus obstructing the access to the scene of the accident," can be read at the Facebook site of the Ljubljana Fire Brigade.

The text accompanied the recording made during the intervention at the occasion of a traffic accident on July 30. They described the way in which the drivers had positioned their vehicle on the lane as 'disastrous'. They needed whole 11 minutes for travelling the distance from the Brezovica exit to the Log toll booth.

"Whenever you park in front of your house, you should be thankful nobody in your home requires emergency assistance. When driving on the highway, each of the drivers should be aware that our help can make a difference between life and death," wrote the professional firefighters from Ljubljana.

G. C.
Translated by G. K.