Foto: BoBo
Foto: BoBo

Finance Minister Dušan Mramor wishes to gain funds for tax relief for highly educated personnel in companies by abolishing certain reliefs regarding tax on income of legal persons.

Finance Minister Dušan Mramor explains that the money for tax relief could be gained by abolishing some of the 19 presently valid relieves on tax on income of legal persons. "The effective taxation of companies is presently 11.6%, while the rate is a bit higher – 17%, consequently the effective taxation will be a bit higher. The money will be spent on exoneration of expert workers in the companies, i.e. those who are the most productive," the Minister explained to Radio Slovenija the idea of the so-called employer contribution cap, the purpose of which is to make it easier for the companies to pay for engineer experts.

While the introduction of the employer contribution cap is still in infancy, the change of minimum wage is quite tangible. The coalition has already announced its support, and economists partially agree with the proposed change.

"The Unions' proposal should be taken into consideration, as it is a normal approach in developed social democratic countries of Europe. But at the same time it is true that in those countries many things are different: e.g. there are no paid breaks during work, etc..," the economist Marko Jaklič said to Radio Slovenija journalist Urška Jereb Brankovič.