
On the basis of the report President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor called for the inaugural session of the National Assembly to convene on Friday, August 1.

It is known that in the early elections, held on 13 July, the party SMC won. It collected 34.49 percent of the vote, followed by SDS with 20.71 percent, DeSUS (10.18 percent), SD (5.98 percent), Združena levica (5.97 percent), NSi (5.59 percent), ZaAB voters allocated 4.38 percent of the vote. SLS has remained under parliamentary threshold.

As shown in the unofficial final results of the elections, SMC will have thirty-six deputies in the National Assembly, SDS twenty-one, DeSUS ten, SD and the United Left six deputies each, Nsi five, and ZaAB four deputies. Two seats will be occupied by ethnic communities.

H. P., RSI