At the church in the vicinity of Milan’s cathedral, a monumental bronze sculpture of Christ by Jakov Brdar has been put on exhibit under the theme of Invariant Principles. Foto: BoBo
At the church in the vicinity of Milan’s cathedral, a monumental bronze sculpture of Christ by Jakov Brdar has been put on exhibit under the theme of Invariant Principles. Foto: BoBo

At the church in the vicinity of Milan’s cathedral, a monumental bronze sculpture of Christ by Jakov Brdar has been put on exhibit under the theme of Invariant Principles. The second part of the exhibition is going to follow; it will unite several Brdar’s art pieces, including Squaring the Circle, designed especially for Expo.

The bronze Christ will be on display at the mannerist Santa Maria presso San Satiro church from the 15th century until 20 July, with the opening ceremony in this sacral space will be on 6 July, the Rome-based Slovenian embassy has announced. The other part of the art exhibits – beside Squaring the Circle, also with the sculptures She, He and Wolf from Gubbio – will be set up at another location in the centre of Milan at a later time.

Master behind the Butchers’ Bridge
Brdar is the author of numerous public monuments in Slovenia and abroad. Two of his most famous sculptures located in Ljubljana are the monument of Rudolf Maister on his horse and the tribute to James Joyce at the main railway station. Other works adorning Slovenia’s capital are the Locksmiths’ Street, the Butchers’ Bridge, and the Petkovšek Embankment.

A. J.; translated by K. Z.