Mramor criticized not only Greece’s proposals but also the way they were communicated. Foto: Reuters
Mramor criticized not only Greece’s proposals but also the way they were communicated. Foto: Reuters

He accused Greece of consulting only a few big countries in a bid to reach a compromise, while bypassing Slovenia altogether.

"Given Slovenia's exposure to Greece and considering the solidarity we have shown, Greece now says that it will raise pensions and salaries, hire public sector staff and decrease its liabilities to Slovenia, while we in Slovenia are currently facing pay cuts and cutbacks in all areas," Mramor said.

Mramor criticized not only Greece's proposals but also the way they were communicated. "I would have expected a more fair-minded approach from the Greeks. I would have expected them to communicate with our government, at least through our embassy. But Greece only approached a few of the bigger counties, and simply bypassed Slovenia," Mramor added.

To. G.; translated by D. V.