A few hundred protesters also gathered on the Slovenian side of the border, carrying wooden crosses as a reminder of fascist terror in the past. Foto: Bobo Foto:
A few hundred protesters also gathered on the Slovenian side of the border, carrying wooden crosses as a reminder of fascist terror in the past. Foto: Bobo Foto:
The quiet walk of the neofascist on the streets of Gorizia. Foto: BoBo

Both rallies ended peacefully, as both groups stayed on their preordained path, reported Petra Marc for TV Slovenija. Nonetheless, empty streets were monitored by reinforced police presence. Due to fears that smaller groups of the participants from the neofascist rally could cross onto the Slovenian side of the border, the police units there also had backup.

As Mirjam Muženič reported for TV Slovenia, the police estimates that about 700 people gathered at the neofascist rally, whereas the organizers have put this number at 3,000. A few hundred protesters also gathered on the Slovenian side of the border, carrying wooden crosses as a reminder of fascist terror in the past.

A.Č., MMC; translated by K. Z.