Minister Erjavec is blamed that the voice of Slovenia is not heard in Brussels, and that the state is too much oriented towards Russia, and the West Balkans. Foto: BoBo
Minister Erjavec is blamed that the voice of Slovenia is not heard in Brussels, and that the state is too much oriented towards Russia, and the West Balkans. Foto: BoBo

It will be the second no-confidence motion during the mandate of Miro Cerar's government, after the Minister of Interior Vesna Györkös Žnidar last year survived the first no-confidence motion.

Jožef Horvat of NSi at the press conference explained that there was no more delaying the motion signed by all the deputies from SDS and NSi parties. He added that it was not filed with the purpose to overthrow the government. "In case Erjavec is dismissed, he can break up the coalition and overthrow the government all by himself," he claims.

In their opinion Erjavec gave "a number of reckless, irresponsible, non-state-building statements" in reference to the arbitration procedure regarding the border with Croatia, recognition of Palestine, and the refugee crisis, as well as possible IS extremists. In this way he had drastically reduced the credibility of Slovenia at the external policy level.

The Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec dismissed the motion against him as a "pamphlet of accusations" without any valid arguments against his work.

Erjavec sees this motion as required for survival of the NSi party. He considers it an attempt by NSi Party to draw back attention, and avoid losing its place in parliament at the occasion of Aleš Primc's entry into politics.

He was expecting the motion, and is satisfied that the proposers of the motion have "switched from words to actions", but he claims there are no real arguments behind the motion. "All the accusations are without merit," he claims.

G. K., A. Č.
Translated by G. K.