Economists warn that the ratio between employed people and pensioners is decreasing rapidly, so reforms need to be implemented as soon as possible. Foto: BoBo
Economists warn that the ratio between employed people and pensioners is decreasing rapidly, so reforms need to be implemented as soon as possible. Foto: BoBo

Parties and officials are at odds when it comes to the question of higher pensions. The story of developing new strategies for active and healthy aging in Slovenia goes back to 2006, when several ministries have begun writing documents on the issue. Meanwhile the European Commission is letting Slovenia know it needs to do much more to make the pension system sustainable and the elderly are warning that the health purse and the pension fund are almost empty.
At the end of 1995 the share of people older than 65 stood at 12% of the total population, in 2008 the number was much higher with this age group accounting for almost 20% of the population. Economists warn that the ratio between employed people and pensioners is also decreasing rapidly, so reforms need to be implemented as soon as possible. Some parties believe that the retirement age should be raised, while others want to see reduced unemployment and measures to improve economic growth.
However economists say that no quick solution will fix the problem and measures on both sides will have to come to fruition if the pension scheme is to bring security for generations to come.