The river beds of the Mostnica. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Ana Svenšek
The river beds of the Mostnica. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Ana Svenšek
The Mostnica river beds are becoming better known as a natural tourist attraction. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Ana Svenšek

Bohinj Tourism and Stara Fužina - Studor local authorities have worked together in the past years to set up proper infrastructure in the river beds of the Mostnica. As the director of Bohinj Tourism Klemen Langus explains, the work started three years ago. Through cross-border cooperation with Italy, the local community received 30,000 euros from European funds and invested them last year in setting up fences and benches on the path along the river.

This year they have added a few more benches have been added, set up information signs and printed a brochure that describes individual points on the path. From the panoramic path by the river beds, which crosses a number of bridges, the visitors can observe interesting creations of nature, such as pools, erosion pots, hollow rocks and waterfalls, including the highest, a 21-metre waterfall called Voje.

The Mostnica river beds are becoming better known as a natural tourist attraction. The number of tourists hasn't exceeded the number of those who visit the Savica waterall yet, but Langus is convinced that the two attractions are comparable in terms of beauty and that the Mostnica will boast more and more visitors in the coming years.

One of the long-term goals is erecting a visitor centre. Plans are already being made to lengthen the path from the Devils' Bridge to the remains of iron works at the Zois mansion in Stara Fužina and further on to the Museum of Alpine Dairy Farming, making this a circular route.

The response of locals, land owners and tourists regarding the works by the Mostnica river beds has been positive. The land owners are paid a rent, which comes from the EUR 2.5 entrance fee that the visitors are asked to pay.

Langus wishes this example of a good agreement would have a positive influence on solving other tourism-related disputes with locals. "One needs to be aware of the fact that the owners should be the first to be contacted and relations settled in terms of renting or other forms of ownership," emphasizes Langus.

The head of Bohinj Tourism would like to continue the efforts in making other similar sights suitable for tourism. In cooperation with the Srednja vas local authorities, tending the path to the Ribno waterfalls is being discussed. Similar projects are planned for the river beds of the Grmečica and the Jerečica, which are suitable for sports activities.

D. S., MMC;
translated by K. Z.