Tourists will once again flock to Slovenia’s spas. Foto: BoBo
Tourists will once again flock to Slovenia’s spas. Foto: BoBo

At some spas, the number of reservations has increased by 30 percent. Employees at health spas are particularly glad that guests from Belgium and the Netherlands represent a large share of the increase. On a yearly basis, visitors from those two countries are not among the spas’ most regular guests.

Moreover, the number of reservations from neighboring countries, as well as from Serbia and Germany, is also very high. Spas expect particularly good results from Italian visitors, but their numbers are still uncertain, since short-term reservations are increasingly turning into last-minute reservations. This year, visitors from the Israeli and the Czech markets are also showing renewed interest.

Still, Slovenian guests have remained the most loyal visitors. Most of them are families with children, for whom spas have again organized numerous entertainment programs in thermal pools. Topical presentations and daytrips to both nearby and more distant destinations are increasing in importance. The spas also pay considerable attention to health-conscious nutrition and the use of local food producers.

K. K.; Translated by J.B.