
The State Assets Management Strategy, which will be the basis for the future management and selling of state assets, is currently being reviewed by three experts. Coalition deputies would like to hear those who prepared the strategy present it to them this week.

The document will then go through further changes when it will be debated within the coalition and in parliament. The document mostly focuses on the goals and criteria for classifying state assets.

The state has assets worth more than 14 billion euros
According to bookkeeping records from 2013 the state had assets worth 13,6 billion euros at that time. The range of assets is now surely even larger. From those figures around five billion euros go to the Slovenian State Holding (SDH). The new management strategy will also include those assets acquired by the bad bank (DUTB).

The state will continue to be the full owner, or majority owner, of those companies which take advantage of natural monopoly or location rent, the system's institutions, or a well-known trademark.

Maja Derčar, Radio Slovenija;
translated by K. J.