"Naj ti povem zgodbo o levici in desnici. To je pripoved o dobrem in zlem." Bill Nunn v Leejevem filmu Do The Right Thing. Foto: Promocijsko gradivo

V filmu, v katerem je Lee leta 1989 posnel zgodbo o naraščajočih rasnih napetostih v Brooklynu, je bil Nunn Radio Raheem, mladenič, ki je na radiokasetofonu ves čas preigraval eno samo skladbo - Fight the Power kultne zasedbe Public Enemy. Režiser, ki je potrdil novico o igralčevi smrti, se je Nunnu in njegovi vlogi poklonil na družbenih omrežjih. "Radio Raheem zdaj počiva v moči. Radio Raheem bo vedno šel v boj z oblastjo. Naj ga Bog varuje." V ločenem zapisu pa spomnil na Raheemov filmski monolog o zgodbi desne in leve roke, pripovedi dobrega in zla, s katero je razložil svoja zlata prstana z napisoma "ljubezen" in "sovraštvo".

Z Leejem prvič na platnu
Prav Lee je bil tisti, s katerim je Nunn posnel svojo prvo vlogo v celovečercu. Leta 1988 je zaigral v njegovem School Dazu, pozneje pa sta sodelovanje nadaljevala v filmih Mo’ Better Blues in He Got Game. Bil je telesni stražar Duh Duh Duh Man v filmu Maria Van Peeblesa New Jack City. V Regarding Henry je leta 1991 igral terapevta, ki je bil v pomoč naslovnemu junaku Henryju (upodobil ga je Harrison Ford). V zadnjih letih je bil Joseph “Robbie” Robertson v trilogiji Spider-Man s Tobeyjem Maguirejem v glavni vlogi, nazadnje pa smo ga videli kot Casha v seriji Sirens.

Radio Raheem. Let me tell you the story of Right Hand, Left Hand. It's a tale of good and evil. Hate! It was with this hand that Cane iced his brother. Love! These five fingers, they go straight to the soul of man. The right hand: the hand of love. The story of life is this: static. One hand is always fighting the other hand, and the left hand is kicking much ass. I mean, it looks like the right hand, Love is finished. But hold on, stop the presses the right hand is coming back. Yeah, he got the left hand on the ropes, now, that's right. Yea, Boom, it's a devastating right and Hate is hurt, he's down. Ooh! Ooh! Left-Hand Hate KOed by Love. If I love you, I love you. But if I hate you...Mookie: there it is, Love and Hate. Raheem I love you bruh...

A photo posted by Spike Lee (@officialspikelee) on Sep 24, 2016 at 12:04pm PDT