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Radio Si Prihajajo že 24. Slovenski dnevi knjige

15. 5. 2019Danes se spet začenjajo dnevi za ljubitelje knjig – v prestolnici bodo že 24. slovenski dnevi knjige.


Radio Si Knjižnica na plaži dobro obiskana

24. 7. 2018Tudi to poletje boste na več lokacij slovenske Obale našli t.i. knjižnice na plaži. Gre za veliko omaro knjig, ki si jih lahko na plaži brezplačno izposodite.


On this day 22 July

16. 7. 2018In 1899, the American writer Ernest Hemingway is born. He was a major representative of the so-called lost generation between the wars. In 1961 he committed suicide.


Radio Si Big Screen:" Kubrickova Odiseja v vesolju"

3. 5. 2018Ob 50. obletnici izida filma 2001: Odiseja v vesolju je v slovenščini sploh prvič izšla knjiga, namenjena temu prelomnemu delu sodobne znanstvene fantastike.


On this day 24 April

19. 4. 2018In 1731 the English writer Daniel Defoe dies. He is most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe.


Radio Si Izluščeno: Slovenski dnevi knjige in Noč knjige

10. 4. 2018Sredi tedna so se začeli Slovenski dnevi knjige, ki jih organizira Društvo slovenskih pisateljev s partnerji.


On this day 2 April

1. 4. 2018In 1725 Giacomo Casanova, Italian adventurer, writer and lover, is born. He was one of the most educated people of his time. In the autobiography he says that he spent one night with 122 women.


On this day 1 March

27. 2. 2018In 1565 the city of Rio de Janeiro is founded. In 1692 the first Salem witch trials began. In 1921 the satiric masterpiece ‘The Good Soldier Schweik’ is published.


On this day 11 February

8. 2. 2018In 1650, French philosopher Rene Descartes dies in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1847, the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison is born.


On this day 26 November

24. 11. 2017In 1607, John Harvard is born. Harvard University is named after him because he was the College’s first benefactor. Upon his death in 1638 he left his library and half his estate to the institution.


On this day 24 November

21. 11. 2017In 1906, the Slovenian poet Simon Gregorčič dies. He was called the Nightingale of Gorizia. In 1859, Charles Darwin publishes The Origin of Species.


On this day 29 October

27. 10. 2017In 1774, the Slovenian astronomer Ferdinand Avguštin Hallerstein died. He created an armillary sphere with rotating rings at the Beijing observatory.

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