Some bonfires got out of hand. Foto: Reuters
Some bonfires got out of hand. Foto: Reuters

Today is Labor Day and many Slovenian cities marked it yesterday evening with bonfires, celebrations and trade union addresses. In contrast to all those celebrations, firefighters had a lot of work last night, mostly regarding bonfire celebrations that got out of hand.

A couple of the events where firefighters had to intervene happened at the coastal towns of Koper and Hrvatini, where a fire spread over 300 square meters. Bigger interventions that demanded firefighter’s attention, however, happened one at Medvode, where 600square meters of grass caught on fire, and another at the vicinity of Tolmin where a little under 1000 square meters started to burn.

Luckily in most of these interventions fire spread just over the grass and shrubs around the bonfires. Firefighters also had to put out several bonfires around Slovenia that were left unattended.