The Slovenian Tourist Board has prepared an article on Slovenia as a destination for cycling. As a reference to the exceptional success at the Tour the France the board initiated over 400 media reports based on the article on Slovenia. More than 1 billion readers were reached by this. The country was shown as a major force in sports, a land for active holidays and with athletes who are authentic and heartfelt ambassadors of the country.
With a newsletter on the Slovenian heart in sport the board addressed nearly 70.000 tour operators, agents and the broader public.
Further, promotion activities at cycling events are planned.

Trije dnevi v Alpah prinašajo 13 kategoriziranih vzponov, od tega tri ekstra (HC) kategorije, torkova in sredina etapa se bosta končali na klancu. Foto: EPA
Trije dnevi v Alpah prinašajo 13 kategoriziranih vzponov, od tega tri ekstra (HC) kategorije, torkova in sredina etapa se bosta končali na klancu. Foto: EPA