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Ceste po državi so mokre in spolzke. Prilagodite hitrost in način vožnje.

Avtorji Vesna Danilovič Novak

On this day 29 April


In 1429 Joan of Arc led Orleans, France, to victory over Britain. In 1813 rubber was patented by J. F. Hummel.

On this day 28 April


In 1789 the famous mutiny on the ship Bounty takes place. The mutineers set the captain afloat in a small boat with eighteen of the twenty-two crew loyal to him.

On this day 27 April


In 1791 the American inventor Samuel Morse is born. He contributed to the invention of the single-wire telegraph system and was a co-inventor of the Morse code.

On this day 26 April


In 121 AD Roman Emperor Markus Aurelius is born. For Slovenian history it is particularly important that the land between Trojana and Hrušica as well as Emona were annexed to his tenth region.

Coming up Cepiti? Ali ne cepiti? To je vprašanje zdaj.


Ta teden potekata Evropski in svetovni teden cepljenja, v ospredju obeh sta pravica do cepljenja vsakega posameznika, kot tudi odgovornost do družbe, ki jo posameznik s cepljenjem izraža.

On this day 25 April


In 1599 the English statesman and military leader Oliver Cromwell is born. With his military successes he laid the foundation for the rise of England's maritime, trade and colonial power.

On this day 24 April


In 1731 the English writer Daniel Defoe dies. He is most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe.

On this day 23 April


In 1616 in Stratford English poet and playwright William Shakespeare dies. Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language.

On this day 22 April


In 1370 in Paris the construction of the Bastille begins. For most of its history it was used as a prison by the kings of France. In 1724 the German philosopher Immanuel Kant is born.

On this day 21 April


In 753 BC the Roman scholar Varro on this day marked today as the date of the founding of Rome.

Coming up 'Na lepše' smo šli danes na Kras


Petkov potep 'Na lepše' nas je zgodaj zjutraj odpeljal na Kras.

On this day 20 April


In 570 the prophet Mohamed is born in Mecca. He left behind a prosperous country, equal regulation and an ingrained belief in one God.

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