Underwater archaeologists have discovered the biggest dugout canoe ever be found in Slovenia. They pulled it out from the Ljubljanica River in Vrhnika. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Ksenja Tratnik
Underwater archaeologists have discovered the biggest dugout canoe ever be found in Slovenia. They pulled it out from the Ljubljanica River in Vrhnika. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Ksenja Tratnik

"This dugout canoe is really big in length and width. It's at least 1,2 meters wide and approximately 15 meters long, which is an absolute record for Slovenia. It's one of the longest dugouts ever to be found in Europe," says Matej Draksler, one of the archaeologists from Underwater Archeology Institute. Most of the parts of the dugout canoe have already been pulled out of the river. The biggest part, the bow, which is six meter long, will be pulled out next week. The dugout canoe is approximately 2000 years old. Experts say its origin ranges from between the year 50 b.c. and the year 70 a.d.

The parts taken out of the water yesterday were immediately transferred to the restoration center. In the initial phase the dugout is to be conserved with a special melamine method. It will then be left to dry for several years. In the meantime, according to plans, next year it will be transferred to the Ljubljanica River Experience and Exhibition site in Vrhnika. The site is being set-up in the former sewing house.

Ksenja Tratnik, MMC; translated by K. J.
Underwater photos and video: David Badovinac