The lamps are made from discarded wine barrels, and old wine and spirit bottles. Foto: ŠtokWenzel
The lamps are made from discarded wine barrels, and old wine and spirit bottles. Foto: ŠtokWenzel
The house we live in has several floors, which used to be rare in the countryside. The local people still say that the Wenzel family lives upstairs (and not on ground floor), or »štok« in dialect. The brand name connects the old wine dresser’s cottage and the Wenzel family. Foto: ŠtokWenzel

ŠtokWenzel brand – three years ago it was presented for the first time – adheres to the motto "We are reviving winemaking heritage ". They achieve their goal by breathing new life into old, discarded barrels.

Their first product was a standing lamp, still decorating the Wenzel home, while lights of all shapes are now decorating a number of restaurants, locals, hotels, and wine cellars of domestic and foreign vintners. During the years the number of their products grew, complemented by kitchen accessories (wooden trays, forks), fashion accessories (sunglasses and bow ties), wine stands, and a very special grill…

Aleš learned the necessary skills by himself, and is assisted by his wife Mojca. The idea slowly matured, and it was presented to the public for the first time at the Celje Trade Fair three years ago. Today, participation at wine fairs at home and abroad is an everyday occasion.

It is a long-lasting process, Aleš confirms. He joined his hobby, as he has been antiques lover since young age, and his fondness of winemaking. The work starts in the field, where he looks for old barrels. "The barrels I get or buy are not suitable for winemaking any more, but it doesn't mean they should be discarded and used as firewood. If the wood is free of worms it can be reused – and the barrels are normally made of oak." Once the barrels are brought home, they must be cleaned, as they are often very dirty, and full of wine stone. Then the wood is cut, hand-polished, drilled, assembled… Beforehand sketches must be made. But it all starts with an idea what to make from the old wine barrel.

The response is excellent: "Those who like the products feel and see that they differ." He has already noticed some products made of wine barrels, but those have a more rustic image. "I took a different approach. I cut the wood into finer, thinner pieces, and use them for making my products."