EU commissioner candidate Alenka Bratušek must respond to the findings of the Anti-Graft Commission about the selection procedure for the post. Foto: BoBo
EU commissioner candidate Alenka Bratušek must respond to the findings of the Anti-Graft Commission about the selection procedure for the post. Foto: BoBo

The Corruption Prevention Commission has denied a request for an extension of today’s deadline. Alexander Čeferin says that an answer can be expected today. After that the Anti-Graft watchdog will reexamine its findings and make them public.

At a hearing in the European Parliament yesterday Bratušek said that the Anti-Graft Commission hasn’t found any corruption in her selection procedure. Her statement is misleading since the commission wasn’t looking for corruption but pointed to potential conflicts of interest because she wasn’t excluded from the procedure, after nominating herself for the post.

After Bratušek's poor performance yesterday two committees who interviewed her will give a final decision tomorrow.