
In 2013, the Code of Conduct for Elected Representatives at Local and Regional Level was crafted by the Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia. The association forwarded it to its members and advised them to adopt it. It was devised after Maribor Mayor Franc Kangler and his autocratic regime prompted the citizens of Maribor to take to the streets.

The Code is a set of rules and principles that require officials to act in accordance with the law. It expressly prohibits officials from using their position for personal gain, including for the gain of family members or friends, and it also prohibits activities that might constitute a conflict of interest.

Kuzma and Bohinj were the first two municipalities to adopt the Code. Another 15 municipalities followed suit in 2013. A court of honour is expected to supervise the implementation of the Code, but the court has yet to be constituted.

One of the most frequent objections to the implementation of the code is the argument that it lacks statutory sanction. Radlje ob Dravi Mayor Alan Bukovnik said that his municipality did adopt the Code. However, he stressed that the Code cannot make you abide by the rules if you are not determined to follow them in the first place: "I still think that those who do not follow the Code will have to face the consequences sooner or later–and at the next election at the latest."

Luka Lukič, MMC;
translated by D.V.