The story of the Carinthia house could start and end with the house in Muta under the linden tree, next to the oldest church in Slovenia and the rotunda of St John the Baptist. Foto: Robert Baron
The story of the Carinthia house could start and end with the house in Muta under the linden tree, next to the oldest church in Slovenia and the rotunda of St John the Baptist. Foto: Robert Baron

The product named Carinthia house was created by Helena Kresnik Pažek, the owner of the restaurant Pri Lipi, who ten years ago chose that carrier. The rich culinary offer is these days rounded up with rooms, named ''štiblc''in Carinthian dialect, furnished with traditional furniture, gathered and bought all over the Carinthia region, offering in total 30 beds.

Carinthia houses with their activity connect cultural, ethnographic, historical and natural elements of Carinthia, in cooperation with the field experts – at putting together the house menu participated also the Slovenian ethnologist Janez Bogataj. Every day typical Carinthian dishes are served, prepared according to domestic recipes, as for example venison, Carinthian 'mežerli', home-made cottage cheese, and cracklings. For desert there are always available buckwheat rolled dumplings with nuts, blueberry sauce, and vanilla ice-cream with pumpkin oil.

At the tenth anniversary of the restaurant the owner Helena Kresnik Pažek emphasized that she would like to change the concept of competition within the region, as according to her the municipal borders cannot, and should not have any influence, and for that reason they cooperate with other service providers in tourism within the region.