The Financial Administration found no money on the accounts of the former president of the management board of the Port of Koper, therefore an execution was proposed. Foto: BoBo
The Financial Administration found no money on the accounts of the former president of the management board of the Port of Koper, therefore an execution was proposed. Foto: BoBo

The Court of Koper has already received the documentation for extradition of the convicted Robert Časar. It must be translated first, and then the procedure will be continued by the Police.

As the Financial Administration found no money on the accounts of the former president of the management board of the Port of Koper, the execution was proposed – according to unofficial information by sale of the houses in Portorož and Lendavske gorice. The execution is proposed for four real estate properties, already mortgaged by the state.
As already reported, Časar was finally convicted for abuse of functions, and illicit acceptance of gifts in reference to the real estate business with the Port of Koper. He was sentenced to five years and nine months of prison, but then he disappeared. The Police issued a warrant for his apprehension, and a European detention order.

A year later he was tracked down in the Dominican Republic, which consequently expelled him to Paris where he is presently in detention. Časar will be brought to Slovenia (the Dob Prison) by the end of March.