Accusations of political pressures on the supervisory board of the SSH are, according to Cerar, completely false. Foto: BoBo
Accusations of political pressures on the supervisory board of the SSH are, according to Cerar, completely false. Foto: BoBo
Telekom Slovenije
Complications regarding the sale of Telekom continue even after the first offer by the British fund was accepted. Foto: Telekom Slovenije

The Prime Minister in his press release after the consultation within the SMC Party parliamentary group stressed that the decision of the SSH supervisors on Wednesday represented a big step forward regarding the decision on sale. The SMC parliamentary group according to him stands behind the decision to continue the procedure as it had been planned.

When asked about the information that on Tuesday Cinven supposedly handed in an amendment to the contract, proposing a decrease of the share price, he answered that he had not been officially informed. But he stressed the importance of verifying the actual existence of such offer.

According to Cerar the existence of additional offers while the SSH supervisors were deciding on a valid offer would represent »unacceptable manoeuvres«. It might be even understood as »a kind of blackmail«, to which SSH should not agree, MP remained adamant.

The SSH supervisors have accepted the Cinven offer, but the offer they accepted was the basic one. According to Cinven' this means the offer has not been accepted.

The president of the SSH management board Matej Pirc in the meantime confirmed that the negotiations between the SSH management and Cinven were continuing: "The discussion is going on," he said, and added that the SSH is still waiting for the Cinven's official reaction. Unofficially the deadline for the British decision is Friday midnight.

As it is known, Cinven offered 130 euros per share for a three-quarter share of Telekom. 110 euros per share would be paid immediately, and additional 15 euros per share would depend on the outcome of the actions for compensations, and further five euros on the market position of the company.

A. Č., B. V.
Translated by G. K.