The president of the government Miro Cerar and the Minister of Finance Dušan Mramor will hold a press conference regarding the events regarding Greece, and the effec of Greek decisions on EU and Slovenia. Foto: BoBo
The president of the government Miro Cerar and the Minister of Finance Dušan Mramor will hold a press conference regarding the events regarding Greece, and the effec of Greek decisions on EU and Slovenia. Foto: BoBo

"Citizens should not worry. We have command of the situation, and no critical development will occur," Miro Cerar said regarding the complication caused by the unilateral interruption of negotiations with Greece.

Slovenia is getting ready for different scenarios regarding the Greek crisis, especially from the financial standpoint, said the president of the government Miro Cerar. He added that Slovenia was maximally prepared for unravelling of the events, but he was still unpleasantly surprised with the unilateral interruption of negotiations by the Greek side. He also said that Slovenia was, in the principle of solidarity, willing to help the Greek in this difficult situation. "Yet we cannot agree with the sudden manipulative moves by the Greek government," he added.

Cerar also emphasized that Slovenia has been strive towards a constructive agreement between the institutions, i.e. the European Commission, ECB, IMF, and the Greek government. "We were very surprised by the unexpected and misleading last-minute manoeuvre by the Greek government, leading to a call of a referendum, and unilateral interruption of negotiations," he explained.
According to Cerar, Slovenia respects rights to a referendum, and will wait for the results. Our country wishes to help Greece and its citizens, but is not willing to accept the manoeuvres the Greek government is using in order to avoid reform efforts.

"Slovenians are well familiar with the crisis, and the efforts required arise from it stronger, developmentally successful, and competitive, which consequently leads towards increased economic growth, and employment," he explained, and added that Slovenia rightly expects the same from Greece. And we have every right to expect it, due to the fact that relatively speaking we are the most exposed member of the EU considering the loan guarantees for Greece. "The European rules and principles should apply to all," Cerar said.

The Minister of Finance Dušan Mramor said that Slovenia can wait for the matters to clarify, and that further borrowing is not needed.