Miro Cerar. Foto: BoBo
Miro Cerar. Foto: BoBo

The United List party posed the question regarding war damage reparations. The United List deputy Violeta Tomić reminded that no government so far had realized the decision taken in 1994 to accelerate negotiations with Germany for exacting war damage reparations. She also asked Cerar whether the present government intended to demand reparations for damage caused during the war, and prepare a low on repayment of material damage from the WWII.

It is a question which should take into consideration wider political and historical context. Slovenia was destroyed during WWII, but the fact is it had happened 70 years ago, said Cerar. By joining the EU, and forming a closer bond with Germany, Slovenia reached a turning point, and decided to surpass the historical division and heritage from the World War II, based on »the principles of solidarity, cohesion, and righteousness«, Cerar explained.

According to PM Slovenia still believes that the question of reparations for war damages has not been finally resolved. Yet, Germany's position is that all the obligations between the then Federal Republic of Germany and former Yugoslavia have already been settled. Today Germany is Slovenia's largest economic partner, Cerar said, and he does not wish that »the simplified recipes noticeable in other parts of Europe« would damage the relationship between Slovenia and Germany.

Boris Vasev, MMC
Translated by G. K.