Most of taxable persons not yet integrated into the new system are those with seasonal operation, and societies active in seasonal tourism. Foto: BoBo
Most of taxable persons not yet integrated into the new system are those with seasonal operation, and societies active in seasonal tourism. Foto: BoBo

Supervisors of certified cash registers have been noticing a number of irregularities, but for now only fraudulent infractions are being penalized. Soon however the control will be tightened, and all offenders fined.

According to Finančna uprava Republike Slovenije (Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia - Furs), three weeks after the introduction of certified cash registers the number of taxable persons has reached approximately 35,000, i.e. is one half of taxpayers. These days the number of taxable persons still introducing certified cash register is diminishing, there are also less phone calls, and less questions regarding cash registers.

The inspectors have noticed a number of discrepancies or irregularities in the procedure of confirmation of receipts, but these are not being sanctioned yet. The most frequent mistake is a wrong date of issue, a wrong TAX ID number of the issuer, and tax miscalculations.
Taxpayers issuing a small number of bills, non-profit societies, or certain groups of taxable persons, e.g. taxi drivers, are experiencing a number of problems at integration into the new system. After the transitional period during which it is allowed to use pre-numbered receipt books, certified cash registers will become obligatory for them as well, which will result in high costs and other problems for this group of taxable persons.

For now the inspectors are punishing only taxpayers making fraudulent infractions, but FURS announced that soon the control would be tightened, and all offenders fined.