The head of the Bank Mansson is under investigation Foto: BoBo
The head of the Bank Mansson is under investigation Foto: BoBo

The head of the Bank Asset Management Company (DUTB) – bad bank - Torbjörn Mansson, is under investigation. He's under scrutiny for conflict of interests. The Quartz+Co company, whose co-owner was Mansson, earned almost 4 million euros through consultancy contracts with the DUTB. Crime officers are also investigating his assistant, Janne Harjunpää from Finland, who earned 144 thousand euros until tmid-2014 for giving counsel to the bad bank.

The Court of Audit found that the bad bank "does not obtain documents from which it would be evident that the Hansahandelshaus company from Switzerland performed the agreed services". The Court of Audit assessed that the amounts received by the Finnish counselor were disproportionate to the received amounts of the other DUTB executives. The bad bank's business with the Swiss company was assessed as non-transparent.

The bad bank informed that it had learnt about the criminal investigation from the media. It added that by doing its work, it had obviously stepped on the toes of some people.

G. C., MMC;
translated by K. J.