'Ida's voice radiates goodness, love of fellow human beings, softness, tranquillity, non-aggressiveness, measure that is just right and, above all, infinite kindness,' writes the jury in the award commentary. Foto: RTV SLO
'Ida's voice radiates goodness, love of fellow human beings, softness, tranquillity, non-aggressiveness, measure that is just right and, above all, infinite kindness,' writes the jury in the award commentary. Foto: RTV SLO
'A truly homely, clear, warm and perfect voice, in all types of interpretative genres. At times gentle and full of light, other times sonorous and piercing. The voice of the radio presenter Jasna Rodošek, who has been on air for her listeners over three decades now.' Foto: RTV SLO

Ida Baš started her career at the regional centre of RTV Slovenija in Maribor, and later also worked for Radio and TV Slovenija as well as Radio Ognjišče, wrote the jury. “Her qualities are a smooth, sonorous voice, a clear manner of speech, great presenting skills and pedagogic achievements, since she has shared her rich knowledge and experience with numerous public speakers in Slovenia,” argues the jury’s award commentary. Baš has created a number of excellent radio programmes; she is also a member of the committee for professional standard accreditations for presenters and hosts, adds the jury.
Presenter who can empathize
The second Crystal Microphone Award recipient, Jasna Rodošek, has worked for the radio for 30 years. “She brings Mediterranean easiness, temperament and optimism into the programme. The culture of her speech is at a high professional level, complex texts become easier to understand when interpreted by her, day-to-day radio contents always draw attention due to her lively interpretation,” points out the society of TV and radio presenters, adding that Jasna Rodošek can put herself into the shoes of her listeners and can empathize with them.
With love for the Slovenian language
The award ceremony took place in Radio Slovenija’s Studio 14. The winner of Ana Mlakar recognition award for young aspiring presenters is Miha Zor, who joined the presenters’ team of Radio Slovenia after three years’ work for the culture section of Radio Ars. The jury has highlighted his ability to give a cultivated interpretation of texts, his broad common knowledge and love for the Slovenian language, which had undoubtedly been the reason for his obtaining a diploma in the Slovenian language at the faculty.
According to Eva Longyka Marušič, the president of the society, everyone who is concerned about the level of Slovenian language tries to establish numerosity. "We’re not as few as one might think," she explains. Events such as the award ceremony can contribute to a wider recognition of this profession, she says, adding that this would attract additional supporters, "because without an institution which would see us as a valuable workforce, this cannot be achieved".