: The “Starting points for an architectural policy” research has shown that architects seldom take part in the design of public spaces, too little of them are employed in the public administration or cooperate with it. Horizontal connections have to be made and the architectural policy is supposed to be the basis for connecting and communication. Foto: BoBo
: The “Starting points for an architectural policy” research has shown that architects seldom take part in the design of public spaces, too little of them are employed in the public administration or cooperate with it. Horizontal connections have to be made and the architectural policy is supposed to be the basis for connecting and communication. Foto: BoBo

The ministry started preparing the architectural policy strategy in 2013, right after the adoption of the resolution on the National Programme for Culture (NPK) 2014-2017. In the programme, quality architecture and economically well-designed areas, in need of a policy for protection and development, are recognized to be in the interest of the wider public.

A research entitled Starting points for an architectural policy was conducted on the basis of a contract with the Slovenian Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning. The first public debate on the research content took place last week in the Museum of Architecture and Design.

Slovenia one of the rare European countries without a comprehensive architectural policy
Architect Miha Dešman, who moderated the debate, said Slovenia was one of the rare countries in Europe which still hasn’t adopted a comprehensive architectural policy. The strategic document, sent to the ministry under the name "Architecture for the people", shows that Slovenia has a rich and lively architectural culture, good architects, and a strong tradition and heritage. The problems pestering Slovenia are partly connected to the economic crisis and partly to the fact that certain branches are not connected.

Architecture and urbanism represent important activities for the public interest. However, their implementation is inadequate. The research has shown that architects seldom take part in the design of public spaces, and too little of them are employed in the public administration or cooperate with it, stressed Dešman. As various fields take part in the realization of public interests in the field of culture, they should be connected horizontally, added Dešman. The architectural policy is supposed to be the basis for connecting and communication.

N. Ar.; translated by K. J.