Slovenia's parliamentary elections will take place on July 13. Foto: BoBo
Slovenia's parliamentary elections will take place on July 13. Foto: BoBo

According to a recent poll by the agency Mediana, the top four parties are the newly established party of Miro Cerar, the SDS, the SD and DeSUS. The party of Miro Cerar topped the poll, followed closely by the SDS. Other parties in the running include the SLS, Nsi, Zares, Positive Slovenia, Verjamem, United Left and the Pirate Party. However, according to the Mediana poll, none of these parties crossed the 4% minimum threshold necessary to make it into parliament.
The top concerns of voters, according to polls, are fixing the economy, job creation and the fight against corruption. Other issues include reforming the health care system and the pension system. Slovenia's parliamentary elections will take place on July 13.