Izrednega stanja še ni treba razglasiti, pravi Erjavec, ki bo glede pomoči v navezi s francoskimi organi. Foto: BoBo
Izrednega stanja še ni treba razglasiti, pravi Erjavec, ki bo glede pomoči v navezi s francoskimi organi. Foto: BoBo

At a coalition meeting PM Miro Cerar informed his coalition partners of the results from the recent mini EU-Balkans summit. After the meeting, Foreign Minister Erjavec explained that an agreement has been reached for measures to be undertaken on the basis of current estimates. At the moment, the government wishes to believe that the Brussels agreement will be followed. However, if needed, measures will be stepped up, stressed the minister.

According to Agriculture Minister Dejan Židan, if countries implement what they agreed, there is a good chance that the refugee flow is brought under control. "If countries don’t keep to the agreement, we have prepared several different scenarios, including for worse situations," added Židan.

Already in search for a fence
Talking to the press ahead of the coalition meeting, Erjavec explained that Slovenia will try to ensure that all refugees are still registered and prevent them from scattering across the country. That could be achieved with the setting up of different barriers, probably even a wire fence, assessed the minister. However, he did emphasize that it would not be done the same way as Hungary.

Behind the fence Slovenia would also need an adequate number of policemen and perhaps even members of the Slovenian Army. Therefore, minister Erjavec added that EU aid was essential. According to Erjavec bilateral talks on the subject of aid are already underway. In short, the minister plans to get in touch with certain French representatives. Answering a question whether the security fence has already been purchased, the minister’s reply was that they were only making inquiries.

The minister could not say whether Croatia is abiding to the agreements of the mini EU-Balkans summit. That will be clear by Wednesday or Thursday, assessed Erjavec. In his opinion there is currently no need to declare a state of emergency.

A. Č.; translated by K. J.