The long queue at the truck with 'tasty morsels'. Foto: Ferfud
The long queue at the truck with 'tasty morsels'. Foto: Ferfud

The Ferfud project has united three cuisine fans, who have been offering all kinds of Slovenian traditional delicacies served in a contemporary manner on stands.

"We stay approximately four hours at one spot. If people happen to have a larger appetite, we simply go home a bit earlier. In average we prepare 200 to 300 meals per day," explains Mitja Horvat, one of the young chefs. His right-hand man at the Ferfud project is Janez Karlin, while their mentor Luka Jezeršek comes from Dvor Jezeršek.

They serve the tasty morsels, as they call them, from their "Ferfud foodtruck" at a fair price, set by the people who eat them. They pay as much as they want, and the entire profit goes for charity, for the project Botrstvo.

Aid for children
"When a person eating and drinking from the Ferfod foodtruck pays for it, he helps also children who want and urgently need normal food forhealthy nutrition. By eating a meal I donate the money to somebody who doesn't have it," Anita Ogulin, president of the Friends of Youth Association (ZPM) Ljubljana Moste-Polje.

K. S., Erna Petrač Barborič, TV Slovenija
Translated by G. K.