In 2014 the areas with the highest number of newly completed apartments were central Slovenia (29.2%) and the Podravje region with Slovenia’s second biggest city (16.8%). Foto: BoBo
In 2014 the areas with the highest number of newly completed apartments were central Slovenia (29.2%) and the Podravje region with Slovenia’s second biggest city (16.8%). Foto: BoBo

Private individuals built 89.8 percent of all apartments, and completed the construction on 31 percent of those by the end of 2014. The rest of the apartments were built by construction businesses, with 65.2 percent of these apartments having been finished.

Both groups of investors put in less funds in the construction of completed apartments – private individuals by investing 3.8% less money, businesses by 26.7%, states the report issued by the Statistical Office of Slovenia on Friday.

Most apartments completed in central Slovenia
Almost half of completed apartments had five rooms or more. The average size of the living area in the completed apartments was 145 square metres. The living area in single apartment houses was 167 square metres on average, while units in apartment blocks measured 79 square metres.

In 2014 the areas with the highest number of newly completed apartments were central Slovenia (29.2%) and the Podravje region with Slovenia’s second biggest city (16.8%). The region of Zasavje, on the other hand, had the lowest number (1.1%). The municipalities of Ljubljana, Škofljica and Medvode stood out in the central region, while in the Podravje region the most apartments were constructed in Maribor, Slovenska Bistrica and Ormož.

T. H., MMC; translated by K. Z.