Test results will be known in a few days. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Mojca Jež
Test results will be known in a few days. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Mojca Jež
Ebola virus is extremely contagious, and there are no vaccines available. The last outbreak caused the death of more than 10 thousand people. Foto: EPA

As reported by media, the patient is a Slovenian citizen who recently returned from Africa, from the Ebola-affected area. The patient has fever, which is one of the symptoms of the disease.

UMC Ljubljana officials denied media reports claiming that the suspicion of Ebola had already been confirmed. The first preliminary tests were negative. The final results will be known on Saturday, but the possibility that the patient (a female) had been infected still exists.

In case Ebola is confirmed, all the people who had been in touch with the infected person must be approached, in compliance with the protocol prepared by the UMC.

Ministry of Health: There is no reason to panic.
The Ministry of Health responded as well. The Minister of Health Milojka Kolar Celarc assured that everything was under control, and there was no need to panic and to upset the public, as those in charge are already acting in compliance with the protocol. She added that it was »very unlikely« that the suspicion of Ebola would be confirmed. "There is no need to panic, everything is under control," she assured.

A. K. K., Al. Ma., MMC
Translated by G. K.