Outgoing minister Gregor Virant. Foto: BoBo
Outgoing minister Gregor Virant. Foto: BoBo

Today's session confronting both sides ended with the government's decision to continue negotiations on changes to public sector pay, as part of the 2015 budget.

Virant has proposed to the unions that the agreement includes a rendering provision if laws enforcing it are not adopted by 1 Jan 2015.

However, Branimir Štrukelj, the head of the KSJS trade union confederation, expressed surprise, as such provision already exists. Based on this, he understands that the government is ready to look for a compromise.

Some believe that negotiations have become part of the pre-election campaign, ahead of 13 Jul vote, and that one of the new government's tasks is to negotiate the fate of nearly 160.000 public sector workers.

Translated by L.P. (RSi)