Health minister Gantar´s resignation causing concerns Foto: BoBo
Health minister Gantar´s resignation causing concerns Foto: BoBo

The Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia shown its concern as the search for a new minister will waste valuable time, which the health system doesn’t have. At the Society Društvo Integriteta - Transparency International Slovenia they are sure, that the health system is the target of powerful interest groups that prevent system changes and operated to the detriment of users of health services and therefore expect from the government that it will undertake immediate structural changes in the Slovenian health care system. The president of the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia Dušan Semolič Gantar also expressed his disappointed with the decision. According to him former minister Gantar was a correct interlocutor. Health Minister Tomaž Gantar stepped down yesterday, citing lack of power to carry out an effective healthcare reform.