The season was extremely unsatisfactory for beekeepers, as they produced approximately 500 tons of honey, i.e. by almost 80% less than two years ago. Foto: BoBo
The season was extremely unsatisfactory for beekeepers, as they produced approximately 500 tons of honey, i.e. by almost 80% less than two years ago. Foto: BoBo

The Slovenian production of beef amounted to approximately 40,000 tons last year, along with 30,000 tons of pork meat , 62,000 tons of chicken meat, 1,300 tons of mutton, and 300 tons of goat meat.
Layer chicken breeders gathered approximately 340 million eggs from henhouses. Breeders of milk animals milked approximately 600 million litres of cow's milk, half a million litres of sheep milk, and approximately 1.4 million litres of goat's milk.
The season was extremely unsatisfactory for beekeepers, as they produced approximately 500 tons of honey, i.e. by almost 80% less than two years ago.